NECC Summer Track Days

Im going to be scheduling 2 track days this summer and hoping to get some kind of consensus before inquiring to the base.

IE … One day in July and one in August for example

I want to rule out any portions of the summer months that may coincide with a major influx of holidays, camping or otherwise conflicting schedules with our membership. Although the days may be limited by police training at the facilities, Im hoping to hit a couple “sweet spots” for the membership that the most can attend.


One of these Days that I would recommend. I find people book holidays near the end/begining of months. soooo…

June 20, 21
July 11, 12, 18, 19
Aug 15,16,22,23

Regardless track days fill up quick.

June 20, 21 <— This one won’t be possible. AFAIK the NASCC (Northern Alberta Sports Car Club) has that whole weekend booked at Namao for their 2-day road race event.

BTW, June 20th is also the Z Club’s show n’ shine which we are hoping will include participation by NECC. (and I’m going to talk to you guys more about that tonight at the Hawlelak (sp) meet hopefully).

I was just throwing up dates. lol. But good call and thanks for the info. So I guess stick with July Aug like Bernie had then =-)

Ohh. . . . excitement fills the air! track days! iam signed up for all of them right now lol or as soon as they are booked cuz im that cool or hope to be. Random knowledge question, we do not have to have special procautions such as cooling systems for these events do we?

mid July and Mid AUgust would be most ideal i think

ok then … looking mid July and mid August sounds great … I will have some concrete dates very soon

other than a quick mechanical inspection … long pants and a helmet … your good to go!

well i pasted tech for the Spec-D practices so… i think iam good… and i gots a shiny Snell helmet i bought brand new last year…

but the long pants…hmmm i dont know about that… i mean i usually like to race naked… its improves… umm well its just awesome plus i got leather so in summer i would think i would stick to it making it like a low budget bucket seat…HAHA JK

ok thats no problem cant wait!

LOL. Justin.

Also dont forget closed toe shoes…aka. runners.

Thanks for asking this but I am approaching it in reverse. Confirm the dates that are available (there are usually very few) and I will book my holidays around the track days (if I can).

Aug 22 weeeknd is bad, dmcc in vancouver i know i shall be down there maybe a few other members ?? haha and the july 24-26
(grand prix weekend) i will be attending that as well those are the only things i can think of that would be big events that would conflict

ohhh yes i also will be down in victoria for the DMCC event… almost forgot about that…well just didnt really look at the dates…

Were going to be stuck with what the base has open so we will see. :slight_smile:

Fucking awesome. I can’t wait for these.

If my 6 month old wears a helmet and long pants can he ride along? :smiley:

WCMA sanctioned car seat and you’re good to go!

Looking forward to these! long weekends are bad for me, first week of Aug too.

Common sense here. You must past a basic tech inspection. And as long as you are not knowingly bringing a car which boils over or leaks coolant, you should be fine.

Long pants? As far as I knew, shorts are allowed for a Solo 2 auto-slalom. Can you confirm if you heard different?

OK … officially I have some concrete dates for our track days. Unfortunately ALL Saturdays have been taken for quite some time thusly I didnt have much to choose from even Sundays left over.

[COLOR=“Red”]JULY 12th

Woot! I’m up for those!