August 12th Track Day - Price drop for members!
Registration is now open for all events. YOU MUST REGISTER TO GET ON THE BASE IF YOU ARE A DRIVER OR A SPECTATOR. IF NOT YOU WILL BE DENIED ACCESS TO THE BASE. To register please EMAIL the following information to If you say on this forum you will attend, but you don’t send an email, you won’t be put on the list.

  • Whether you are registering as a hotlap driver or a spectator
  • Last name, First name
  • Vehicle year, make, and model
  • Vehicle VIN/Serial #
  • License plate #
  • Your Driver’s license #
  • The names of any and all spectators that may attend the event with you (Last name, first name, vehicle make/model, VIN, License plate #, driver’s license #)
  • Your home telephone number
  • Your email address

Since spots are limited, and you must pay in advance to reserve your spot for any of the events, unless otherwise arranged with the organizers. You can send payments via Paypal to Cash is accepted at the Monthly Cruises, however, there won’t be a cruise prior to the April Track Day. If there are spots avialable, cash on the day of the event will be accepted, but you must register your car two days prior to the event. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.

Please show up between 8:30 and 9 am. Bring your Snell helmet, a secure battery, any extra food and drinks, appropriate clothing (all drivers are REQUIRED to stand on the track and marshall) and your enthusiasm!

Non-Members: $45
WCMA Members: $40
NECC Members: $30

For more information please read and review our REGISTRATION FORM

Here is a map to get to the base:

Registration sent!

Registration Received

goign to be a good evet :smiley: honda for the win! :stuck_out_tongue:

Money sent.

Oh ya, and we have price increases for those that own Honda’s :wink: jk Got your payment Bora

I am there.

Count me in for this one.

Can I pay Aaron or Dave on the cruise sunday?

Yup, you can give the money to Aaron at the cruise. :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to get back on the track. I just have to book the day off work first!

Count me In also… I will pay this sunday.

Dave, do you have me down for the August event? In one of the other track day threads I mentioned I couldn’t make July (prior to the July event) but wanted in for the August one.

Do I need to resend everything to the events@ email?


So you can lose to me :finga:

I handle the registration, so if anyone wants to be included in an event, it must be communicated through email to or If we have your registration info from a previous event, we can use that to register for another event.

The reason we like to leave it to email, is because it then gives us some form of officialality (if thats a word). lol.

Yup, you can pay me at the Alberta Meet.

I’m out. Stoopid vacation :butthead:

my bad, once again, cant make it.

Car is going into Autodream for the boost leak fix and screamer pipe install.

Can you move my registration fee to september event please ? Thanks Aaron.

No problem. Done and Done.

I’m down. You guys should have all of my info from previous events.

Matt, I put you down as a driver.

For future EVERYONE EMAIL to register. NOT THE FORUM!!

registration sent

Received! Thanks.