August 12th Track Day - Price drop for members!

Is there a registration cut-off date for the august 12th event?

Thank you

Cut off is going to be August 9th.

I am going to be spectating.Do I need to resend all my info or do you guys still have it?

Still have it Scott. I’ll put you down.

How full is the August event so far?

and what is the exact date for september track day ? september what ?!

First post on page one.

Sept 10

First post on page one.

Sept 10[/quote]


We have 5 spots left. September 10th

registraion sent. also had a couple of questions with registration e-mail.

ifs its full tell them to let you come. I migth ahve fell short on the GTR but i think the z32 will be fun to pick on :stuck_out_tongue: :axe:



We are at 2 spots left. Give or take.

Only 1 spot left!!! Officially that is. All spots are subject to denial unless they have been secured with pre-payment, or otherwise arranged.

Thanks all!

Can’t make it this time. Rats.

Note to whoever’s laying out the track, if you make it tight the CRX might win. :? (Can’t have that. Not with all the smacktalk! :stuck_out_tongue: )

I see Rob’s signed up. That must mean he’s got his car outfitted with brakes and tires! Look out Hondas!

Have fun guys!


What does this mean exactly? At the June event Dave let me pay on the spot on the day of. I was assuming that method was ok…

Is that handled on a case by case basis?

What does this mean exactly? At the June event Dave let me pay on the spot on the day of. I was assuming that method was ok…

Is that handled on a case by case basis?[/quote]

Well, what was happening at the last couple of events, was people registering to race, and then not showing up. For those that we know, or have experience with, and know we can trust, then paying at the track isn’t a problem. But if that isn’t the case, then we would prefer a pre-payment to ensure you spot at the track event. Everyone must remember that this is an NECC event, and priority WILL be given to our members first. So if this is your first event, and you don’t prepay, and the list is full, but one of our members comes along and pre-pays, there is a good chance you could loose your spot. This is an unlikely situation, as I"m such a nice guy, and I would work around this.

Thanks Aaron. You have a PM.

Brakes i did a hack job fixing. and tires… well at least i can afford new ones.

What happened to your brakes? I don’t recall you having brake issues back at the June event.

Speaking of brakes, my sad story is my BAMFBK is still likely 3-4 weeks away dammit… :cry