NECC Track event #2 --- Sunday, October 2

The October 9th event has been cancelled! Please contact the NECC to discuss refund or payment transfer to another event. Sorry for the inconvience.

Sunday, October 2nd and Sunday October 9th
8:30 a.m.
Namao (see map below)
$35 for official NECC members
$45 for all non-members

Namao Map

Registration is on a first come, first serve basis, no reservations. There will be a 20 car maximum for each day so register early.

All drivers will receive burgers, hot dogs and pop and we will be setting up some entertainment for when you aren’t driving.

Also we will be looking for people to marshall when not driving.

The track will be more open and flowing and will have less hard corners than an autoX course, however we would like to ask that there is no intentional drifting on the track, or in surrounding areas.

Cars need to be registered ASAP. Late registered cars may not be admitted to the base. The event staff can be provided with a complete list so they know who is coming late - but they reserve the right to refuse entry to those who aren’t properly pre-registered.

We have the track from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM. If everyone gets their ass in gear and we tech and do the driver’s meeting by 9AM, that means 8 full hours of hotlapping goodness.

Guests are welcome and free but they must be register with us as well before the deadline, so we can register you with the base.

Here is the proposed track layout. We will be opening it up more that the last event, but top speeds will not exceed 110km/h

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the event, please post here.


To register please email the following information to

  1. Your full name
  2. Whether you are a driver or a spectator
  3. Vehicle make, model and year
  4. VIN number
  5. Licese plate number
  6. Drivers License number
  7. Names of any spectators coming with you
  8. Home phone number
  9. Street address


Paypal to but please add 3.5% for service charge.

Private message me and we can meet for payment or you can mail a cheque to me.

Payments will be accepted on the day of the event but you are encouraged to pay in advance to guarantee your spot.[/img]

im in with my Hyundai Pony :D!!!

dave im in for both

I’m in both days

I’m SO in for both. :E Isn’t that the same track though?

Finally one on a sunday, i will be there Both days to do recovery and help out and such.

It is the same layout as the last events photo was, but unfortunately, we weren’t able to set up the first half of the track as we had planned. This time, the first half will be much much faster, and the back half will be relatively the same.

Considering the size of Namao, the track will be different because its pretty damn hard to replicate the track exactly (you just can’t judge distances while reading diagram).

Gah, if I have a car I’ll probably be out. Unfortunately I can’t really confirm anything right now.

I should be there unless something unfortunate happens.

I really want to attend but I am afeard of breakin’ the beast. :cry I’ll procrastinate a little longer.

If I can get those days off I will be there ,hopefully with a little stickier rubber, since my stock conti’s are lookin like racing slicks.

Don’t be such a baby! I’m not 8)

Baby huh? I didn’t see you at the last event. :finga: (kidding)

After your GTR survives the first track event and you are prepared to drive the next one and I back out can you call me a baby.

Next thing you will tell me is that you already have done one and I am an idiot :oops:

Seriously though, it may be nice to see at least two GTRs to get a more realistic comparison of performance.

No, I’ve never been on any kind of track in any kind of car, so this’ll definitely be a learning experience.

Did you break something last time? You sound hesitant about going to this one…

No I didn’t break anything…but you know how much GTR parts are. :vom:

Do guests from other clubs pay $45 too? I’ll do the 9th but not for the full $45. Someone PM me if $35 is acceptable from members (or guests) from other clubs.

Aaron, Dave, Kris, correct me if I get this wrong…

Drivers and guests from other clubs are welcome. :slight_smile: Guests (spectators) are free but must pre-register.

Drivers from other clubs are considered non-NECC members and therefore pay the non-member fee…sorry. Benefits of membership I guess. NECC members pay non-member prices at events put on by other clubs.

Maybe we should look at some sort of club partnership program but that is a winter discussion the clubs should have.

We’d love to see you out. We had a great time last event but there is a non-member price. Sorry.

I would love to be in the OCt 2 run… Oct 9 weekend (thanksgiving) is a no go for me.

But pencil me in for Oct 2. If the space is available for a non-member.

I am pretty sure JustinL will make both days…that guy has too much free time.

Thanks again for setting up the events.

P.S Oh … I am the guy with the red 944 Turbo.

And what about rules regarding passengers? Are passengers allowed?

OK, let me get a few issues off the list here. :smiley:

Passengers are allowed in the cars on track as long as they are firmly belted in and are wearing helmets. You can take as many passengers as your car has belts for.

Alex, I’ll drop you on the list for Oct 2 - if you need to change your status or add any spectators to the list, please let me know. :smiley:

As for other car club members getting better pricing on our events, generally the answer would be no. However, depending on the car club you’re a part of and whether they’re willing to work together with us, we’d be more than happy to talk to them and see if we can’t get something worked out.