Registration open for April, May and June Track Days!

Registration is now open for all events. To register please send the following information to

  • Whether you are registering as a hotlap driver or a spectator
  • Your full name
  • Vehicle year, make, and model
  • Vehicle VIN #
  • License plate #
  • Your Driver’s license #
  • The names of any and all spectators that may attend the event with you
  • Your home telephone number
  • Your email address

Since spots are limited, and you must pay in advance to reserve your spot for any of the events, unless otherwise arranged with the organizers. You can send payments via Paypal to Cash is accepted at the Monthly Cruises, however, there won’t be a cruise prior to the April Track Day. If there are spots avialable, cash on the day of the event will be accepted, but you must register your car two days prior to the event. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.

For more information please read and review our REGISTRATION FORM

Here is a map to get to the base:

EDIT: Irrelevant Posts will be deleted. KEEP IT ON TOPIC PLEASE!!

So is Cash Not being accepted at the Event anymore, even if you pre-register?

caqn you put me down for all 3? i will send the e mail once i get my cars vin, im to lazy right now lol

can we meet up with you to pay?

registration sent!!

same question as above: can we meet up to pay!?

If, IF, things go well I may be able to get to the May track day. IF.

i will be up in edmonton for the may meet. now i just need to convince my girlfriend that i will be gone that day when i am up there.

:cry anyone have a car i can drive to hot lap in for the day… if not… im just a spectator…

AWWWWWWWWW… Excuse please!!! You must bring your own fuckin car!!! no borow, no stealing, no taking, must be OWN!!! you have ownership, not anyone elses, not mothers, not fathers, not sisters, or brothers… NO ONE ELSE’S… get a car or miss out till lattttter.

uhhhhhhh if you have no car on race day…here is help:

Unfortunately, this month there won’t be any cash prepayments. But we’ll cover the paypal fees if you want/can pay that way.

You can pay cash at the event but your spot isn’t guaranteed. Honestly, for the first event, we likely won’t fill up with paypal payments, so you should be fine paying at the event.

Our May and June events, as welll as all events after that, you will be able to pay at our monthly cruise. Also, with more people having their cars out then, it is more likely those events will fill up before the actual date.

Yes, agreed. If you do not have paypal, please let me know that when you register, and I can make note. Like Dave said, your spot is not gauranteed, but we’ll see what we can do. It’s not likely to be THAT full that 20 guys pay with paypal, and the rest get bumped out. Don’t worry, we’ll make it work.

I might have the Renault out for the May and June events… I can let you drive the spec around that track :E

I will be out in the pathy incase anyone flips there car and needs a tow and such.

MABY i will even have a car by then!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Reg sent! Do we get a confirmation email after the money and reg has been recieved? or do i have bother you guys until i get banned…

Reg. sent cant wait to see some of this action again:

It’s been a long winter.


Oh and this pic is courtesy of the ASA.

Ok guys we are already more than half full and filling up fast. If you want in for April 30th, send your registration info ASAP.

Registration Sent… :E

Registration sent!

I registered as a spectator, but I don’t know if I’m coming out in the Spec or 240 so I put down the info for both. I hope that’s not a problem.

Also, since I’m registered now, am I good for the year? Or is registration required for all individual events?

Nope, there will be a database made so everyone should only have to send in info once for each vehicle they have.