Amazing Timelapse Video

Great video, even better music!

His stuff is amazing… Pink Floyd FTW

trippy :shaggy:


cool video, shitty music.

I can’t stand Pink Floyd

Listen Mark Twang, shits got soul.

im dizzy

Its ok to think things like that, but you shouldn’t really say them out loud (or in this case type them on the internets) because they just make you look like a fucking asshole.

nice find.

very nice!!

You might be the most pessimistic, close minded person I’ve ever seen on a forum, which is really saying a lot. Wow.

I love that stuff… ballin.

and i totally saw a ufo.

That is some excellent work. I watched all of them

Here’s some remarkable video…these wedding videos are probably the best in existence:

how the fuck am I close minded and pessimistic because I do not like a certain band?

:confused: :rofl:

You bitch about not liking anything talked about on this forum.

no… it’s because you do like such overwhelmingly shitty music / cars / hobbies / life

I agree/ I agree/ I disagree / I disagree


That guy makes some awesome videos. Everything on his account is ridiculous.