
Thirteen is an interesting establishment. Whatever the back room is, it’s really fucking loud even when you’re so drunk you’re getting bed spins just walking.

majority of fights ive seen are in the middle of caroline street. right in front of the cops.

I hate that bar. Too many greasy guido’s and ghetto people.

The last time I went out up there thats where I ended up.

i always end up at 13 up there, can’t turn down paying nothing for drinks.

thats my toga run lol

Same here. My GFs brother used to be a bouncer there so we got in free, drank free etc.

Isn’t 13 the old bullpen? I hate that place, tons of scum in there.

DOUGHBOYS!!! My favorite part of going to Toga!

Obviously we do not go out ever, but if we did it would be to Toga!

My establishments are Stadium, Circus, Gaffneys, Druthers, Wine Bar, The Swap, Roof of Irish Times. Haven’t seen a fight or even arguing in any of these places in a long time. If there is bouncers usually sweep things up quick.

The only place i go that can be kind of Sketchy I Icehouse cause there can be “Bro waves”. Everything is cool then a wave of faggots sweep in. All you can say is I remember when I had my first beer.

I mainly frequent outdoors Gaffneys

people still go out? wtf? :dunno

old people like myself go out from 6-10ish. Its a MUCH better time to enjoy a good conversation and a few drinks. The people you meet during that time are usually 30-50s but are polite, courteous and always approachable.

I’m single again so I have been going out a bit later and I find it just to be a bunch of babbling morons wandering around with lost looks on their face.

that’s why you never see fights

Not sure if you were aware… but Circus is… uhh… :gay

Fully aware, but I have friends and business acquaintances who have chosen that lifestyle and I won’t discriminate against them if they know what the boundaries are

ice house is kool.My friend and old hockey teamate larry owns it!!!

Lots of Hockey players own businesses down town. I skate with the owner of Esperantos

Same here, I was just wondering – some people have no idea. :lol

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I went up last night and it seemed dead compared to years past. After midnight there were more cars than bikes around and even several bars were dead.

Still had a good time though.