very nice. Almost makes me wish i was in the market for a new car. Please tell me you have the Ebony Bird’s Eye Maple trim?


Awesome car. I’m jealous.


Nice. Silver too, all Nazi sleds should be silver.

great car. I’ve been watching C63s for a while but think I’m going to want a bigger car next time so I may wait for the E. Nice pickup.

very nice.

I drove both… the E is Much bigger inside, but doesnt feel like it… its really nice… i couldnt justify the C63 over an E55 or E63 (i actually liked the E63 better, had gobs more torque)

wait, the OP’s car is a C class right?


gotcha. weird angle I guess. Couldn’t really tell.

love these cars, but scared stupid about the repair bills, and these things love to break.


I have a 2 year warranty with unlimited mileage. Most people say it pays for itself 3x over


smart man!

i’m into it


and maybe a smokey burnout video…just sayin

So will a pulley void that warranty?

It depends on the techs. If they are douches, then yes, if they are cool, then no.

Im going to slip one a nice benjamin in the summer to slam it via their STAR diagnostics program and get a feel for how much they care about mods vs warranty

And yes, the interior is black

It depends on the techs. If they are douches, then yes, if they are cool, then no.

Im going to slip one a nice benjamin in the summer to slam it via their STAR diagnostics program and get a feel for how much they care about mods vs warranty

And yes, the interior is black