AMS (Absolute Motor Specialists) - A Thank You.

“Post how AMS saved your life!”, as Kev calls it.
Well I wouldn’t exactly say saved my life, but sure as hell did some great work.

What exactly is this you might ask? Well its a “Thank You”.

I’ve known Kevin, for just about a year now, through Chris (Keez aka Konvokiller), and throughout that year I’ve learned about AMS. A shop dedicated to 300ZX customization in both performance and the outer world. By outer world, I mean, they’re marketing. They’ve managed to sit Local, and State-Side with one of the top Z specialists in America - Z1. However, not only has Vuk and Kev managed to grasp their specialties around 300’s, they’ve managed to work with more exotic vehicles such as the R35 and the Porsche industry, as well as many others I’m sure.

As many of you know, an S13 and rust, are like Pasta and Sauce (Yea I know, real Italian Mike), and working on rusty things are horrid and down right bothersome. My S13 in this case decided to eat at my rear gas line, as many have had to experience. My car is basically rust free other than one certain spot on my rocker, but where water can sit, it will. Water and other liquids will sit on all the clips that hold up each hardline that runs along the bottom of our cars. Its hurtful, knowing they can, and WILL corrode eventually. Its a very crappy line to replace seeing as how you’ve got to bend each line to OEM spec, and than route it under the subframe (without dropping it) and unto the sending unit. Although it sounds simple, its something most people won’t do, and hate to do. So I called Kev up and told him my situation. He than spoke to Vuk who gave me a day I didn’t expect and a time. Saturday at 10am, I was to arrive at 1788 Drew Rd, Unit #2 Mississauga, and have my line looked at. Right away, about 2 minutes into throwing my car onto the hoist, Vuk asked me if I’d like a hardline, or a softline (rubber). I said hardline. He quickly measured, and off he went to grab the materials needed. He soon returned with the materials and went to work. It only took about an hour or so, with some joking in between as friends, to have everything bent, flared, and up to Vuk’s standards. With a price very reasonable and something I was content with we parted ways and made good due.

A professional will take some hits where needed. AMS does just that. They know whats needed to make things happen, and how to bring the letters, “AMS”, to your mind and think only good thoughts. Myself personally have found not only has Vuk and Kev been a great help to myself, but to many others as well. During the warmer months, I had been doing an internship with Performance Auto Sound Magazine with Dave Pankew and Mark Periera. Both Dave’s Skyline, and Marks 350z have been under the precise knife of Vuk and Kevin of AMS, many times. Almost all the work done has been featured on PAS’s website. Here are just one of many things AMS has done with these machines. Marks STS turbo kit’ed 350z:

Basically what started out as a “Thanks” for fixing my gas leak, turned into a, “Glad to see professionalism and great work”, kind of deal.

I know, not everyone on SON is familiar with AMS, but I can assure you, not only will you be completely satisfied with ANY work done, you’ll want more. I’m not only impressed with their professional work, but their professionalism, as well. It seems like everyone here, on our community has been bashing at things unseen from AMS, or something new to the market, and not only have Vuk and Kevin, backed them selves up, they’ve done it with nothing but, again, professionalism, and common courtesy.

This is no “suck-up-letter”, this is an eye opener to great and friendly services done, in a day an age, where most people are only out there to make money, and screw others.

On behalf of myself, and hopefully other members, I’d like to thank both Vuk and Kevin of AMS.

Thanks again,
Mike Martino

Glad we could help!

Thanks for the essay :slight_smile:



LMFAO thanks for the essay LOL

Martino, I still insist that your fuel leak was just itching to ignite, turning your car into a burning ball of death taking you with it. Really I was worried, I lost sleep over it :slight_smile:


Well written Martina - AMS should toss this up on their site under customer testemonials.

son of a bitch, theres no edit feature. I meant to say “martino”.


haha Martina! thats way better

that is your new name

hehe yea thats ones gonna stick!

I am also so far very impressed with AMS. The service is great and the parts I bought look to be very well made and I cannot complain about the pricing. Vuk even sent me some replacement bolts to go with my front control arms I ordered that I likely would not need, “just in case”. Hope to deal with AMS again soon.

Dammit Taco! Look what you’ve done. Now I’m never going to hear the end of if from Mike and Nate.

Mike - NO CAMO!
Nate - I’m going to steal the skylizzard :stuck_out_tongue:
