AMS TK'ed themselves

AMS pulled a TK at the Texas Mile today. Nobody hurt. Car’s a bit crispy.



Juan is there now with Eddie Bello trying to sort out an ignition issue. Looks to be bad caps/rotors on his distributors for the twin plug setup. Ran 228 with the car pulling REALLY hard and the motor just cut out with lots of track left to go. Hopefully he get’s it sorted and running.

ROFL @ TK reference.

took me a second then :rofl

hahahaha took me a minute to get the TK

haha TK!!! too bad thing mustve been pullin like crazy!

I was like wtf does that mean and then it hit me

lololool. at first i was like “is it some kind of tradition/taboo to blow up at TK??” :lol :lol :lol

See… STi’s aren’t the only ones catching fire now.


looks like the damage wasnt too bad tho, should be fixed fairly easy right?

Well like everyone else, I was like “total knockout?” What? Oh I get it… :rofl

i was thinking Team Kill like crashing into each other when i saw the title. then i was like oooooh snap.





i see what you did there…
btw do you want those lug nutzzz or what? you never pm’d/called me back

In the words on Juan “conrod out of block + hot oil = fire” so I’m guessing more damage than meets the eye. But yeah, car should be fixable pretty easy for the AMS guys.

Eddie Bello this morning. 964 issue sorted to one of his MSD D7 boxes. Turning up the boost to 32lbs, sub 1300-1400hp. OS Giken diff in the car too so hopefully he doesn’t spin at 230mph like last time.

thats funny:haha


That sucks, great title though! And Eddie Bello is a nut

Nut yes, but an AMESOME guy. Wicked cool to talk with. He went ~235.4mph this weekend. That was on street tires and with one of his MSD D7 ignition boxes on the fritz(guess that’s the ignition issue they were having). Officially the first car to run 230mph+ at two different texas mile tracks. That car has a lot left in it yet.

One thing to prove he’s a nutball, he’s the only guy running a car in that speed range without a chute…