An eye for an eye, at least thats how I feel.

I believe that’s already happened.

good call, but if it was just some guy, i’m worth more as a good witness than another suspect. so as far as i am concerned, if they’re not friend/family… they’re on their own. good call on the exact NY law, i’m more versed on CT as i have a permit for there, and not here in NY yet. i’m surprised how liberal CT was compared to NY.

if you would have hit him outside your house with something, and he died, you were going down for invol.

Go rent the movie felon and count your blessings.

Sorry to hear buddy. Sister to blame or not, if anyone beat on my sis id rip their face off.

Holy shit- your father just watched his daughter get beat?

+1 to the revenge thing. You aren’t getting shit from the courts on this, so go get some therapeutic resolution…

you have their address?

“i love the smell of napalm in the morning”

this thread is really sad.
if i came down stairs at 2am and saw my kitchen torn apart and my sister punched up, i most likely would have had to try and hold my father back from dragging all these kids into the garage and serving some table saw justice.

this is moronical…very avoidable.
if scumbags are in your house im pretty sure your sister shares the same qualities.
fucking straighten her ass out.
you should be the one punching some fucking sense into her face

Its times like that someone wishes they had a firearm, and not a fuckin hockey stick. I feel safer knowing that if someone threatens my families life, their life will cease threatening anyone forever.


Very BAD info, and not true. Your allowed to use deadly force, when your life, or that of someone around you is threatened. Once the threat has ceased, you can no longer use deadly force. Deadly force is discharging a firearm in any way, so warning shots, shots after to stop them…are all illegal. If you make the choice to shoot at someone, you had better finish the job, because your life is being threatened. Just remember, once the bad guy stops breathing, its only your story. Two larger people, on any sort of drug, be it alcohol or of the illegal sort, throwing glass objects at your sisters head and making verbal threats at yourself is getting pretty dam close to being a good shoot.

Oh on the beating with a hockey stick part. Guess what LEO’s do with punks before they book them. Thats right, rough em up, but in a soft manner to not leave external scars. You guys really gotta grow a fuckin set.


First off, let me say it must suck to have a sister bringing that sort of trash to your and your family. I hope you can get her to understand what she’s doing to herself and the rest of your family.

What’s with all the talk about weapons? What ever happened to a good old fashioned ass whooping?

pics of yer sis before i take sides…

Dont bring fists to a knife fight, a knife to a gun fight, or a gun to a…

Just remember, if you have a gun, you never have to worry about being out armed.

Ever get in a real fight? if so, you would know that even 2 girls on one big guy can inflict alot of hurt. 2 guys on another dude, and that single guy is getting lumped up really bad.

just reading fight threads makes me feel so manly.


now i will eat my Dove dark chocolate bar and go back to studying thermo…

I laughed b/c I have NEVER been in a fight in my LIFE :wiggle:
