And so it begins


I can go with “The purpose of sex is reproduction”

but reason?

If the only reason to have sex was “prenancy”, women would not have a clitorus (this logic spawns from the idea that the sole purpose of the clitorus is sexual pleasure, no other being on this planet has a part of their body that exists for just the purpose of sexual pleasure)

her body-her choice
as a guy I refuse to have a real stance on abortion
as I never will be in a situation where I have to subject myself to having my child removed from me for whatever reason I deemed it necessary.
As far as I am concerned having an abortion is not an easy thing
and if it is, you should not have the child.

what about butt sex??? is that ok??? I still get my pleasure and she doesnt get the baby turbociv. its the best of both worlds.

ok, its settled. Im pro anal intercourse. its the new solution to abortion.

:smiley: j/k but seriously im guna try this. but seriously im just kidding. sorta.:lol:

Even though you are joking, this is a viable solution to the issue. Multiple forms of birth control should be used - a condom and the pill. I NEVER ejaculate inside my girlfriend. It’s not worth the risk (even if she is on the pill). I know too many people that have had to deal with unwanted pregnancy. I get my rocks off and everyone is happy.

How about this - when you go for a drive, you don’t want to get hurt/killed in an accident, so you wear a seatbelt AND you obey most of the rules of the road. You don’t blow threw stop signs and lights. You don’t drive drunk. But there are people that do, and people get hurt and killed every day. You know the risks, and if you are serious about not getting hurt, you take every precaution that is available. So when there is an accident that could have been prevented through regular means, you will say “stupid ass, why didn’t he stop for the light?”.

Pregnancy is a completely preventable thing. It’s not like getting a disease though a boold transfusion. It doesn’t “happen to you”. Responsibility is the keyword here. Take a little for your actions.

Well, I didn’t say anything about Bush and as I said in an earlier post I don’t want this to become a religious debate. But since this will affect most people in the country its important to disscuss it.

Also, this law can not be passed under the current ruling. The hope is that when this law is passed it will be forced to go under review of higher courts. If that happens then the supreme court can overturn RvW. That is the whole point of this.

As it is today such a law would be deemed unconstitutional unless the supreme court recants Roe.

My point is that getting pregnant should not be seen as a consequence. Consequences are supposed to be negative. I don’t want to live in a society where being pregnant is looked at as negative. Leave the baby making to the people that actually want the baby.

Yeah, it’s called abortion.

the problem with this tho, and the thing i think alot of people overlook, is that the child is the one who suffers. unfortunatly the child isnt given the choice of whether it wants to grow up with unfit parents or to be off’d before its a thinking/breathing human being. there is nothing more wrong than not giving your child the best upbringing possible. death is not as tragic a fate as suffering.

wow…I’m done with this.

IMO a bigger deal right now. anyone catch the report on 60 minutes last week about this subject. the bush administration says it is wrong to use human embryos to source stem cells for research to eventually possibly regenerate body parts because they are “life”

but if you don’t want to spend the $ on freezing the embryos the cells are sourced from, it is ok to throw that same life in a dumpster.

ass backwards. i hope he dies because he need a major organ.

Thats kinda why I tossed that out there becuase i was reading about growing parts :slight_smile:

I would love for stem cell research to be allowed
The benifits would be amazing as far a medical science goes

OT - What happened to the swede?

That’s a great point and it’s obvious when you do some deductive reasoning where the Bush administration stands on the subject of life vs. choice. If you are against stem cell research (probably one of the most innovative breakthrough’s of the 21st century) because of morality issues, you are definitely going to be against abortion for the same reasons. There are too many roadblocks that need to be torn down in order for abortion to be overturned but I can see this unfolding in the next year or two.

I am curious if this does go to the supreme court where Roberts and Alito are going to be in terms of their vote. I have a feeling Roberts is going to surprise people or would surprise people if this happened.

Hey… guess what…

Sperm leaks out during all times of intercourse. Not just when you ejaculate.

Ejaculating isn’t a risk. The whole act of sex is.

Vasectomies are cool.

Truth but I think he means he pulls out when he’s got the rubber on for that 3rd layer of protection.

so that doesnt make is 100% safe. There is sperm in precum so if its a faulty condom she can still get pregnant. And if that happened i hope he calls his gf a stupid whore for getting pregnant.

she’s on the pill too. and she is a stupid whore :wink:

If you are that worried about the .1% chance of getting your girl pregnant, why not stick to BJ’s instead of intercourse and be 100% sure it’s not going to happen…

I am not THAT worried about the .1% chance. I am talking about all the guys out there that “raw dawg” it on a girl whose only on the pill and let it fly inside. Or girls that “say” they are on the pill because they think they won’t get pregnant if it’s only once. Or a condom’s good enough because when used properly they are 97% effective (except when they break, which happens to me more than I would like to admit). And if we are discussing this we can’t leave out STD’s. There are chilren 13, 14, 15 years old getting pregnant every day. Is it because their preventative measures failed??? Nope - it’s because they didn’t use any to begin with. Guys that have had vesectomies (sp?) have gotten women pregnant. And women that have had their tubes tied (forget the term for it) have been known to get pregnant as well. There are no certainties. But when you use you brain instead of you genitalia, you stand a better chance.

The message I have been trying to get across the whole time:
Protect against pregnancy, not abortion to fix the “problem”. Responsibility for yourself and your actions.


Again, your looking at preganacy as something negative. Take responsibilty for your actions? As if having sex with some one is wrong. If your a stupid slut, then by all means have an abortion, why would we want these people infecting the gene pool?

what if jesus was aborted?

LOL…he’d come back to life 3 days later anyway…