And who got her pregnant? The man and woman are BOTH at fault.
But the man can skip town and never been seen again - not having to ever deal with it. There is no way that a woman can do that.
I give up
:tup: Good. now we just need the other 49 states to do it and I will be happy.
Call me close minded and an asshole or w/e you want…I could really care less. That is what I believe. I don’t call you guys close minded because you are against anything to do with religion. Its jut my opinion…abortion is killing a baby…nothing more, nothing less.
abortion should be solely up to the women.PERIOD. It shouldnt be up to the government, religion, etc. Only up to the women who is pregnant. I dont feel as if i should have a say since or any man for that matter since we are not the one to carry or go through the trouble, hastle, beauty of having a baby. If a man wants a baby and is against a women having the abortion he should be with a woman who wants a child. There are too many dead beat fathers out there that dont take care of there children that they originally wanted let alone the men that dont even want children and the women is forced to have it.
Im sorry but making this a law isnt gunna smarten people up. 99.9 percent of the population are like cattle and there just gunna keep fucking regardless the law. Lets try to keep the crime rates down and keep the cattle to about 99.9% or less and legalize abortion.:tup:
abortion is killing a fetus. killing a baby is killing a baby. I think the general public might care about what you think when you have 2 tits and a vagina. Its easy to sit back and shout your beliefs when you dont have to carry/take care of a baby yourself.
Good if you believe it fine, but religious people need to keep your shit to yourself. Stop trying to force your OPINION onto other people.
And abortion is not killing a baby. If the fetus can not survive outside of the mother’s womb then it is not a baby.
religion is a disease.
Ok, just to clear something up here because I don’t think a lot of you understand how case law works in this country.
The whole reason they’re putting such a restrictive law on the books is because they’re daring the pro choice movement to take it to court. This will work it way through the state courts and eventually end up at the Supreme Court. The obvious case they will have to review at that point is Roe v Wade, and if that falls look for sweeping changes across the country.
This is one of those places where I fall out of ranks with my party in a big way. Unless each of these anti-abortion protestors is willing to open their doors and wallets to support these kids I think they should go back to dealing with their own issues.
As for late term, partial birth etc, go ahead and ban them. Allow them only if their is grave risk to the mother. Women know how often their cycles come around so if you’re too stupid to get a pregnancy test when you’re a couple weeks late that’s your fault.
:tup: I agree on both counts.
I don’t think its necessarily a good thing for a state to do something like this because it sets a precedent for others to follow. But one state in the union doesnt scare me too much yet…esp South Dakota…what are they policing? 100,000 women half of them so busted and backwards that they wouldnt be having sex in the first place?
But the main reason I post in this thread is to say that thank god StrokedZ28 is a HS history teacher and not an english teacher. Tom…you totally make me regret not finishing college because your spelling skills make it look like you didn’t either
I see this issue this way, its always older people that have no chance of ever needing an abortion that make these silly decisions. But dollars to doughnuts when their 16 year old comes home and says “daddy i’m pregnant” that these same law makers will lose their deep ethical reasoning and run to the first state with an abortion clinic.
I guess the homeless will have to starve now in South Dakota :tdown:
The one thing I hate is the fact that an argument against abortion is that the woman mad the mistake and needs to own up to the consequences.
Since when did being pregnant become a consequence or a punishment? Pregnancy should be somthing that is loved between both the mother and father. Somthing that is looked forward to. Do we as a society really want people sho have loose morals to begin with haveing children of thier own? Wouldn’t it be better if the people haveing kids were those WHO WANTED KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE? I would have to believe that those children would grow up to be much better citizens then some crack whore, or some 17 year old’s kids.
Tom why bring religion onto a car forum? and by the way a conservative court has nothing to do with a law passed by south dakota. You are just posting your grievances about G-Dubs did you know the decision of Roe vs Wade really didn’t change her situation because she never had an abortion, she put the baby, which was her 3rd child, up for adoption. Most of us, myself inclued, would label her that “crackhead” and unfit parent, which is also why the first two kids were raised by her parents
How about that stem cell research?
and guys / girls
come on now!
just look at it this way…
What if jesus was aborted?!?
yeah, what now.
If jesus was aborted i wouldnt of really cared since thats your religous belief and not mine.
Stem cell research can be used to heal and cure diseases. What if your mother had a bad heart and was waiting for a transplant and she was on the bottom of the list?? well with stem cell research they could just grow her a new one in a petrie dish and have her fixed up and good to go.
what now???
yea thats right. :lol:
I was afraid someone would take the serious.
i was hoping for the random colors/bold/italics
would flag it as sarcasm
or my retarded logic on every other post I have ever made.
but comeon…
kinda like WWJD if he was aborted?
how about that? huhuh
EDIT - I love you for taking me serious.
Now How about that gay marriage?
What about those gays adopting?
trust me, i dont really take anything too seriouse on the intraweb forums.:lol:
Well, when you have sex with a woman, she get’s pregnant - that’s the consequence. If you are trying to get pregnant, then great! Congrats! However, women trying to get pregnant usually don’t have abortions. What more people need to understand is that prenancy is the reason for sex, not the side effect. It is a serious thing that most people take lightly. And abortion shouldn’t be used as a means to correct the oversight.