And so it begins


lol no… that one is old. I just keep cycling through old ones

If a woman who is raped becomes pregnant, the rapist would have the same rights to the child as the mother…





Women aren’t going to stop having abortions. Now they’re going to have to either travel or go to some quack and get one. Which will lead to injury to the mother or even death.

People really need to put their own morals and beliefs aside when making “laws”.

The problem I have is one its a personal issue the the government is sticking there nose into.

And its a law mainly comming from a highly conservative religious base. I’m sorry but those people are def closed minded.

There is only 1 planned parenthood in SD. Your telling me there are so many abortions every year that it would require a state law to stop them? If SD believes that abortions are wrong then why are people in SD getting abortions in the first place. The number of people who are getting abortions in SD is probably very small, I don’t see why they need to make it illegle.

You know its all in good fun, this isn’t an anti religious thread. Unless your highly evagelical and believe I’m going to hell for my beliefs those people can suck my dick.

christians have to believe your going to hell for your beliefs. it has nothing to do with being “highly evangelical” but rather following the rules and regulations laid out in the bible. if you only follow the passages that dont interfere with your life and ignore the rest then you really are not a christian.

This is true but I’m talking abou the people that actually tell me to my face that I’m going to hell. Those people tend to be evangelical.

Again this is not a religious disscussion rather a political one.

I’m not religious at all. Here’s my logical opinion on abortion:
Ideally, the fetus has a right to live life as a child and grow up. However, if the mother was a crack whore, then the fetus will have a crack addiction from birth; in which case, I would favor abortion. If the fetus shows deformities or other signs that life would be extraordinarily difficult, I would favor abotion. If the mother refuses to give her baby away for adoption, but she herself is legally an unfit parent, I would favor abortion. If the mother was impregnated via rape, I would favor abortion.

I’m only against abortion if the mother was simply irresponsible and didn’t use protection. “You made a mistake. Own up to it.”

opinions are like assholes…everyone has one and they usually stink.

when as a nation did we become so bored that we ignore our own fucked up lives and try to tell other people how to live theirs?

Because these people think it is their purpose in life to rid the world of abortions, so they have to pick a really religious state that would actually pass some bull shit like that and try to start a holy war.

Its legal in canada right?

I like people who are against abortion AND the “morning after pill”

Hopefully they will allow certain circumstances like these ones…

“Opponents of the bill argued that abortion should at least be allowed in cases involving rape, incest and a threat to a women’s health.”

so how many kids do you plan on adopting? Because if abortion is made illegal there will be a shit load of babies being dropped off because the parents dont want them or can’t take care of them. And I am sure all the good christian people who are prolife will all be lining up to adopt these kids right?

I think the easy solution for all of this would be mandatory sterilization for people deemed to be unfit parents.


Eugenics :tup:

I don’t see abortion as a religious thing - rather, I see it as a responsibility thing. If you get raped, etc…that sucks, terminate pregnancy. However, if you are just a stupid whore, maybe you should try closing your legs every now and then. Everything else in the world has consequences, why not sex? Don’t you worry about getting diseases? Well, if you listen to my mom, parenthood is a dibilitating disease…

What about if your birth control method fails when you were trying to be responsible? Not every woman that ends up pregnant is a stupid whore. And it’s not all the woman’s fault either. Wrap your tool.

I say abortion/adoption is a far more responsible action then letting a child grow up in a sub-par environment or leeching from the government.

What about not having sex? What about using the pill AND a condom. And if the planets align and you get pregnant, then it’s a miracle and you should name him jesus.

As far as “it’s not all the woman’s fault” - she’s the one that got pregnant. She should have been more aware of the consequences because it is going to affect her more than anyone else.

Guys should take care of their business too, but as a woman, you hold the final checkstop. If the business isn’t taken care of, then say no. That is where the term “stupid whore” appears…


The morning after pill pretty much is an abortion? It just irratates the uterine wall so that it dispells the already growing “life form”…conception has laready occurred.

I understand if you mean, that it leaves someone no choice at all, but that is their religous belief, that life begins at conception

oh and to clarify…to me near or after the second trimester, a woman should not have an abortion