Who'd you vote for?

President - John Kerry
Senator - Alen Specter

President - Bush
Senate - Specter


Arlen Specter is a uber douche. And im gonna be voting for Badnarik since MD is easliy gonna be a win for Kerry.


i voted for the green party for a few seats…


:naughty: :hitit:

single bullet specter!!! what an ass.

you have to wonder whether he had any choice when coming to that conclusion.

regardless its on his reputation, i’ll never vote for him. If they made him then he should tell the truth.




I vote that: :1320:

I have a question for those who went out and wasted their time voting today. you know your vote doesn’t mean shit regardless of what p diddy says. the electoral college is the only vote that counts. that means if your states college doesn’t vote the same as you did personally you wasted your couple hours of life. congradulations…I don’t vote but I think if kerry and edwards get elected our country is fucked. who the hell would vote 2 lawyers in. on top of the fact they favor partial birth abortion

ehh… you’re right about the 2 attorney’s though… bad idea.

This is the first time I ever voted, someday you will realize that voting is not wasted time.

abortion is very low on the priority list this election

lawyers are fucktarts, but it’s better than the alternative IMHO

boosteditr41 you’re fired

prime example why flu shoots come from other countries. American Pharm companies used to produce the flu vaccine as a courtesy to public health. One guy got the flu anyway from this free vaccine and filed suit and cost the companies some insane amout of money. after that the companies said fuck it, we aren’t doing it no more…guess who was council in that case…John edwards! FUCK LAWYERS

As for the claim that John Edwards secured a $5 million judgment against a U.S. pharmaceutical company on a flu vaccine case, while it is true he had a highly successful legal career representing individuals who had been badly harmed by malfunctioning products or the mistakes of doctors and hospitals (with some sources claiming he won up to $175 million for his clients over 12 years), no flu vaccine lawsuit appears on the list of major cases he has handled. Moreover, Public Citizen, a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization, reported:
According to research by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, since 1980, there have been just seven cases involving the standard flu vaccine reported in state and federal appellate courts. In five of those cases, the defendant prevailed; the results of the other two are unknown. Seven cases in 24 years does not make a liability crisis.
The Charlotte News & Observer also was unable to turn up any incidence of John Edwards’ handling a lawsuit related to flu vaccine:
no record exists of any lawsuit involving Edwards against a vaccine maker. N.C. Lawyers Weekly, which reports on legal cases in North Carolina, compiled a list of all of Edwards’ lawsuits when he was tapped as U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s running mate.

“We have looked through our database to see whether there was such a case,” said Michael Dayton, editor of N.C. Lawyers Weekly. “At least in our database, it’s not there.”

Additionally, the role that lawsuits have played in the flu vaccine market is minimal. From 1990 to 1995, there were two lawsuits filed per 10 million doses of vaccine, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

bigtime :owned:

yeah… just use a specific date range of your searching to yield whatever FACTS you want the public to know… That’s bullshit… Edwards was council in the case with the flu vacs. PERIOD.