fawk you.... RANT

John Kerry… you’re a double talking asshole. you can’t boast about bein in vietnam and voting FOR the iraqi war, and then in the next speech bash the war and say that defense spending is a non issue. choose a side liar. if you win i’m gonna see a communist like 40something% tax brackets and watch social security be destroyed b/c you’re giving our money away to lazy trash that lives on government subsidizing. the democratic machine will apppoint judges that think privacy means that you can be not only immoral but illegal in the ‘privacy of you home’, i can’t wait till michael jackson fucks another kid and they let him off. you heard it here first, b4 long they’re gonna try to make us accpet phedophiles as a lifestyle choice. get your bitch in check pussy. teresea heinz is a loudmouthed fuckin idiot, she’ll make hiliary clinton look like a wonderful person.

George W Bush… you totally fucked up in iraq buddy. there are no weapons, we’ve sent too many people, they’ve been there for waaaaay too long. after 9-11 you had like an 80% approval rating and somehow you fucked it up, shit you could have just been honest and said “we’re gonna go kill a motherfucker tonite”, i mean shit, hussein and sons openly said they wanted to rape your daughters, i’d have understood you man. you sound like a moron when you speak, hire a speech coach, you’re the leader of the free world, speak like it. if you win i’ll be fucked with obscene healthcare bills and watch the rich get richer. you go after gays at the worst time you could choose. CA is a fucked up state, let you boy arnold take care of the gay marriages if you have problem with them. you idiot, why would you take such a hard stance agst gays in an election year you dolt. i hate watchin companies like McD’s get to slide on taxes b/c of corporate welfare, i hate watchin dicks like kenneth lay STEAL money from his employees, take Enron, and then get to KEEP THE MONEY. if you steal from 7-11 you goto jail and give it back. i hate this shit as much as ghetto trash livin on my tax dollar.

… so once again i’m fucked. i don’t want either of these assholes in charge. i can either go broke and live like trash or strive to be really rich and live like rich-trash. you both will make terrible presidents and fuck you for fucking the middle class. burn in hell you trons :rant: :finger2:

fuck kerry

:eek3: :eek: :eek3: :eek: :tounge:

Originally posted by rookee
… so once again i’m fucked. i don’t want either of these assholes in charge. you both will make terrible presidents and fuck you for fucking the middle class. burn in hell you trons :rant: :finger2:


In a country of over 300 MILLION, we have to choose between these two dumb fucks? I can name fifty politicians (Republican AND Democrat) off of the top of my head who are better suited to leading this country. Whether our president is liberal, conservative, or somewhere in the middle, our president should be HONOURABLE. Neither of these douchebags has the character to be the head of state.

I’m going to vote for whomever runs for the most viable third party. I don’t give a fuck who it is. I abstain from bearing responsibility for choosing one of these assholes.

[darkstar]Vote Libertarian!!![/Darkstar]

I figured he would have typed that if he could post. :rofl:

god do i hate kerry… i wish taco would try to make valid points on his stance… i honestly can’t imagine someone to actually think kerry is legit.

Originally posted by turbovw18
god do i hate kerry… i wish taco would try to make valid points on his stance… i honestly can’t imagine someone to actually think kerry is legit.

Howard Dean is looking pretty fucking good right now, huh?

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
Howard Dean is looking pretty fucking good right now, huh?
“raalllllhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” :rolleyes:

i said it once, and ill say it again

Bush still is the better candidate for the job… why?

He may not be the smartest guy out there, but he did do the smartest thing. Surround himself by extremely smart people

Wow, i didn’t realize john and george were members on here. Hope they see the thread.:smiley:

bring Clinton back


Originally posted by 2kaltima
bring Clinton back

the big woman would be happy!!!:smiley:

i hate when bush says that kerry voted against the 87mill for the war…and doesn’t give the full story…

bush wanted a 387million tax cut for the rich…kerry wanted the 87mill for the war to come out of that tax cut, bush said no…so kerry voted against it coming our of our pocket when the rich were getting the tax cut.

answer this…
how come no human civilization in the history of man kind has ever had a tax cut during a time of war except us right now???:confused:

gotta pick the lesser of the two evils…so kerry is my vote…cause voting for nader is like voting for bush.

i’m calling this now…if bush wins…Hillary Clinton will run in 2008…and will have a good chance of winning…she has a shit load of support.
except for a few …men have been fucking this contry for years…why not give a woman a shot…at this point nad after 4 more yrs of bush can it really get any worse

Originally posted by showtime
i hate when bush says that kerry voted against the 87mill for the war…and doesn’t give the full story…

bush wanted a 387million tax cut for the rich…kerry wanted the 87mill for the war to come out of that tax cut, bush said no…so kerry voted against it coming our of our pocket when the rich were getting the tax cut.

answer this…
how come no human civilization in the history of man kind has ever had a tax cut during a time of war except us right now???:confused:

gotta pick the lesser of the two evils…so kerry is my vote…cause voting for nader is like voting for bush.

i’m calling this now…if bush wins…Hillary Clinton will run in 2008…and will have a good chance of winning…she has a shit load of support.
except for a few …men have been fucking this contry for years…why not give a woman a shot…at this point nad after 4 more yrs of bush can it really get any worse

:rolleyes: hilary will get trounced, if not by her own party for general clark than surely agst guilani when the gop sends him in. i like him so far but i don’t know to much about him except for his roll after 9-11 which was pretty impressive. i’m gonna vote nader i guess, he’s seems smarter than both put together times 2. kerry is a politician with no hard stance on anything which scares me, and bush just seems dumber everytime i see him. the thing is, i really trusted him 4 years ago :embarass:

Originally posted by rookee
i can’t wait till michael jackson fucks another kid and they let him off. you heard it here first, b

i hate when people get angry cause someone gets off…

OJ, MJ, who ever…

I’m not saying they are guilty or inocent or condoning what they did.

I’m just saying that if you did something wrong you’d try to your best ability to get off too…
so be angry at the crime…not that they got off.

Originally posted by rookee
:rolleyes: hilary will get trounced,

I’m gonna make the call that she does well…maybe not win…but does well.

so we’ll talk again about this in 2008

Originally posted by showtime
i hate when people get angry cause someone gets off…

OJ, MJ, who ever…

I’m not saying they are guilty or inocent or condoning what they did.

I’m just saying that if you did something wrong you’d try to your best ability to get off…
so be angry at the crime…not that they got off.

why not both? what they did was a crime, a crime by definition carries with it a penalty. so they commit a crime and get no penalty, why??? MONEY!!! if they weren’t rich they’d both be a pin cusion in some prison. i’ll be mad a both :wink:

Originally posted by showtime
I’m gonna make the call that she does well…maybe not win…but does well.

so we’ll talk again about this in 2008
she’ll do fine if they elect her to run, but i’ve heard they really want Clark to run. :confused: not a democrat so i’m not privy to inside info :smiley:

wanna here some fucked up stuff…

i heard about an interview of some republican in congress or the setate…forget which…they were ask what was up about the Medicare scandal…
that if clinton had been president and this happend that they would have impeached him…and the guy said…yeah we would have…thats SO fucked up…

clinton lies about a BJ and get indicted…were your not even alowed a defense attorney

bush lies about the war, lies about knowing info before 9-11, medicare scandel, the list goes on & on…and nothing…:mad:

and he can’t even admit they did anything wrong WTF??

kerry sucks