And this is why we will never be able to leave Iraq.

We overthrew Saddam expecting a country divided by hatred for over 1000 years to “play nice.” Saddam’s iron fist was the only thing keeping the country together. If we leave they will plunge into civil war and chaos. Fuck them you say? A violently unstable country, in that state because of American intervention, with huge financial resources (oil), right in Al Qaeda’s back yard, would become ground zero for anti-American organizations.

By overthrowing Saddam for reasons based on bad intelligence, irresponsible leaps of faith, and political bull shit, we have ensured that our soldiers must remain in Iraq indefinitely lest we plunge to a level of security we have not seen since the Cold War era. Maybe even below that.

Fuck Bush.

My $.02 anyway. Maybe I’m wrong. :gotme:

But the rage burning in people like Muslawi and Hussein has much deeper and older roots. It is the product of centuries of social, political and economic inequality, imposed by repression and prejudice and frequently reinforced by bloodshed…

…Without an understanding of the roots of the rage that drives people like Muslawi and Hussein, any plan–American or Iraqi, military or political–to stabilize Iraq is doomed to failure. And that power struggle in Iraq, whether it draws neighboring countries into a wider sectarian conflict or forces a realignment of alliances, has the potential to radically alter the Middle East.

Interesting read.


Iraq and Saddam had the potential to be our greatest ally in the “war on terror”

IF Hillary there gets the Democractic nod to run for Pres and somehow wins, that should make for some interesting times.

(She said she would end the Iraqi War if she’s elected just for an fyi)

Yes, but we must saturate the world with democracy! They say we live in a free country…LOL…yeah right…soon there will be people arrested for crossing the street while listening to their Ipod :poke:

She also said we were going to get 200000 jobs.
See sig

If Hilary becomes president? Will she have a lesbian first lady? Or will their be a 1st man? LOL…

just drop a fucking nuke

^ If we had done that 6 years ago, people would be over it already and the USA would be heros for eliminating the middle east terror.

Kinda seems like that or annexing Iraq are about our only options. Shit if we annex it then we could use their oil money to fund this nonsense. But then our brothers/sisters/friends would still be dying there.

I vote for operation sheet-of-glass.

great idea, lets completely defy the geneva convention

We pretty much told the UN to suck it when we went to war in Iraq in the first place. Might as well alienate all our international treaties.

and who would prosecute us, the french? yea its not the greatest idea by any means but better than spending trillions of dollars and haveing are friends, brothers, neighbors die becasue they decided to join the forces, i mean 15 years ago it was a pretty safe bet joining up i mean nothing was going on…and as for people saying president bush fucked this whole thing up in the first place well who knows what anyone else would have done in his shoes. things can even be woarse.

and as for the comment about leaving iraq alone to play nicely, even if we didnt invade is it really safe to let them stew they have money and with money you can do what ever you want, its almost like every one picking on one person throught school and then he becomes quiet and noone thinks anything of him until hes coming in to school with a ar-15 and home made pipe bombs

why are you so mad at bush. hes not the ignorant masses that cant be cool with the guy next door being a different religion. hes not the one that had freedom tossed in front of him, and instead of embracing it; shit on it.

you’re mad at the wrong people… unless you’re mad at him for thinking these people had an once of intelligence. if thats the case, then keep on being pissed.

It would have been better than this mess. It would have been nice to know what we were getting into. We weren’t overthrowing Saddam, we were annexing Iraq. Well, except we can’t use any of their oil riches to pay for this bullshit.

Bush had to do something to make us feel like we weren’t just sitting idle after 9/11. Invading Iraq seemed pretty ambitious so he found a way to justify it, even if it did require a number of assumptions.

“Yeehaw. Lets git them A-rabs. Iraq tumbles into civil war Oh fuck, what’d we do.”

If I see that mother fucker smilingly refer to Iraq as the “wild wild west” one more time I’ll snipe him myself.

I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think it’s realistic to expect them to let go of 1500 years of hatred and fighting when a totally unfamiliar way of life gets dropped in front of them.

In general, when I say “Bush did this” and “Bush did that” I mean the whole administration. You can’t blame one person for the decisions of a democratic government. I guess I’m pissed at the decision to go to war on bad information and without a realistic exit strategy, and pissed at the faceless administration that made it happen.

Except for Bush’s “wild west” thing. That’s annoying as fuck. He seems giddy when he says it, like he’s playing cowboys and indians.

well you did say fuck bush so i think you can see where were coming from and on a side note they should make a movie on what would happen if we did drop another fat boy, or is there already one

Yep. Gotta blame someone I guess, so as president he gets the blame.

Anyhow, pretty interesting article if you’ve got the time to read it. Goes back to the origins of Sunny and Shiite Islam on up through the present time.

it is interesting, i kinda wish school’s focused on shit like this i mean who cares about the creation of the constitution,

either way you look at it, it is a very fucked up situation that is like the number pie 3.14… will probably never know when it will end until shit really hits the fan, blame really shouldnt be pointed at anyone we did what we had to do