And you guys think the "LOT" is bad??? LMAO!!!

YEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah BOY

If the people were just a shade lighter, I’d say that’s Kohls.

The future of D1 is looking dark

I think I saw adams car

and thats why I want a sniper rifle…ping the dark meet off from a roof top 100 yards away

see that shit? thats some real life shit

not some action video shit!

Gas Brake Dip!!!

Wow. Amazed noone died in those videos.

I think I saw Lil Jon.

Someone want to tell me why there is some asshole in a moto helmet in the second video and no bike to be seen? :rofl

Someone needs to spill some oil in East Oakland.

night scene lots in Orlando, Miami, Ocala makes the lot look like disneyland. Not as bad as those videos though

There are more crazy ass videos, just type in " side show oakland" on youtube. these fuckers are out of hand.

Police are probably like, fuck that… not getting involved.

:facepalm :facepalm



the only way you can see these people is if they have a white shirt on… ridiculous



Must watch

I would run motherfuckers over, then go back for more

Holy Shit.

Same, be dead.

I don’t see one white person doing any of this…