we need this sign

http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/9084/construction7axa3.jpg just for the peace of mind:lol

But none of the assholes would admit to being assholes so Id question if it would work.

Speaking of assholes at the lot I saw the inbred fucktard with the black Colorado thats always smashed up on route 9 in CP on Friday.

Thats awesome. Id put “NO PR’s” as well lol

no shit lets see what this yr brings

For the PR’s we need one that says to turn around and head to Amsterdam

or at least run a license check ,no license or green card no entrance

unfortunately PR’s are considered citizens so no green card is needed.

oh yeah shit


its the same shit, year after year. its not going to be any fuckin different. everybody says “maybe it will get better”. never does. just more and more inbred fucktardedness (yes i just made up that word). look at the young kids that got into the scene last year… chuck, kramer, joey, big red (yes dave i know your name)… now think we got 4 decent guys out of the ocean of retards that go down there every week. its not going to be better… its going to be worse. always is. always will be.

ninja edit: forgot ramalamadingdong in there, dkid15, chris07ssuckmynuts, and jrubino too… but meh… they are easily forgotten.

whatever ,was meant to be a joke …i know the lot will have its share of assholes always has always will

i know this… im just pointing out to the people who think we’re actually serious that it might get better… HA!

rotominooskinbmantomadingddong wont be too please he was added with an edit lol

i like goin down there to watch the pr’s. thats the whole fun of goin down!

holy shit you even spelled kohl’s wrong :rofl

no… the whole fun of “going down” it to taste the punany… but going to the lot, i could do without the obnoxious pr crew.

damn bro your exhaust sounds sick, can you rev it up?



then watching em get chased away from the ave is just too funny!

yes, we know you’re the resident cockroach instigator… but srsly… id have a much more enjoyable time there if i wasnt looking over my shoulder wondering which one of “essay’s crew” was going to go WOT through the lot and almost kill someone… or pull a knife or gun on someone… or even punch somebodys wife. i dont need to deal with that shit. none of us do.

ya ,thats what we get to look forward to thanks for the reminder pete

By you idiots encouraging the PRs, it keeps them coming back, and acting like idiots. Lets try not shitting where we eat this year huh…