we need this sign


+1 a sedan full of white kids driving through the lot blasting pr music to instigate isn’t smart, nor is yelling shit at them with a bullhorn :shifty

I had a knife pulled on me there. Fuckin welfare suckin greaseball PR’s.

i didnt right it some one else did i found it:lol

or empty mcdonalds cups thrown at them:ahh

lol they are pretty entertaining…till someone gets hurt

right = write… :facepalm

motherfucker that shit was 1/2 full and i was in a cast. eat my ass

its never gonna change

I’ve never done such a thing. only thing i did to instigate them was just to rev it up, thats all. seriously. :hug

instigating shit aint helping matters any… thats for sure…

It wont with that attitude

thats wher it starts though, and just escalates from there…

that and tell them a old guy with a shovel painted his car:rofl

Somebody needs to pied piper those POS PR’s up to Amsterico. They can chill at Walmart and/or Taco Bell there on 30.

i think the older guys on here (over 24) have a clue. the younger ones have yet to learn… they will get there eventually… just gotta teach em.

OH WOW!!! i remember when you said that. i’m LOL’ing right now.

how bout the white civic with steelies in the front and 17’s in the back, tint, roterro.

cut springsssss, gsr distributorrr …lol

I saw the white Accord wagon with the partition fence thing in the back yesterday in Scumnecktady
