Andy Rooney on American Cars

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From 60 Minutes Tonight. FYI, IMO Andy Rooney is a bitter old man.

he is bitter…buthe’s right. domestic cars can’t keep up

he has a very valid point. when people give me shit for owning an import i tell them to find me an american car from 1994, with 163k on the stock block/clutch that runs/looks/as reliable/taken as much shit as my vw has. i haven’t lost yet.

its not even that. look at all the american companies moving out of country and look at all the non-us ones moving in.

whats more important? revenue or jobs. ill choose american jobs, fuck where the revenue goes.

true. isn’t honda’s largest mfg plant in ohio?

while gm’s cars are fabrique en mexico?

wtf does andy rooney know about the auto industry? am I going to ask martha stewart what duration I should look for in a 350 cam?

andy rooney’s just bitter because henry ford made his horse and buggy obsolete back in ought six :biglaugh:

Everything, not just cars is moving over seas. American based large Corporations just can’t compete.

Its sad to say that our best known product here at IRWIN, the Vise Grip, which has always been american made will most likely be produced overseas within the next 3 years. Almost all of the other competing locking pliers are made overseas and we just can’t retain margin. Fucking blows.

good point.

the company i worked for recently opened a second plant in china to save labor costs. from a business standpoint, sometimes it’s the only option.

but who, in this country, is gonna fix this problem? NO ONE, were gonna continue to see jobs lost while companies go overseas, b/c cost of living paired with greed of american workers is killing any businesses chance of survival here. not to mention taxes from the government.

what can we possibly do?

If you like trucks buy american, if you like cars buy an import.

Although my brother just bought a GTP and thats a pretty damn nice car.

American cars suck

If the federal government/ states gave a shit they would offer tax breaks to corporations to help them compete. Of course you have dumb fuck administrations such as Buffalo who do the opposite and drive all the industry out of the area.

He is a bitter old man that is funny if he talks about something that doesnt matter, but serious, the problem with our auto industry is that we name our cars? He used alot of fluff and filler for that little rant of his. Maybe he should blame himself for buying import for his last three cars, which I suppose did not have names.

Every company is going global, and ofcourse the bottom line is what drives it, but the fact remains, import auto companies do not contribute to our economy in the way a domestic car manufacturer does. Not in jobs, not in revenue, not in taxes, not in manufacturing parts. And while domestic car companies have done some bone headed moves in the wake of import pressure, they are pumping out their most reliable and competitive cars in a long time bc of it. Id like to see ANY company from any industry compete easily when the number of former employees that still cash in on your profits far exceeds that of current employees.