Announcement from RTM

I would like to make a small announcement: RTM is opening our own forums.

First of all, let me be TOTALLY clear. We are NOT trying to COMPETE AGAINST any other forum. One of the other forums I was on was full of back stabbing and BS, and I was actually banned from there. As a result, I have decided to do the “free license and $10. hosting” thing and start a forum. This is to be ANOTHER place to meet, not a place INSTEAD of where you already hang out. I want it to be a friendly place, and free of BS and politics. It will not be vehicle/brand specific, but there will be sub-sections for the various makes for technical issues.

Secondly, I know that the failure of a lot of forums has been the result of them being “shop owned”, and PERCEIVED (whether rightly or not) as not being impartial. For this reason, I have left the running of my forum to someone else. I will NOT be jumping into every other thread trying to sell you something (well, maybe every third thread, LOL). Seriously, I know this has resulted in the failure of a lot of boards, so I will be exercising a lot of restraint. Also, if you have had bad dealings with me or RTM Racing, feel free to post. I might PM you and try to rectify the situation, but I will NOT delete your post. I want this place to be honest, open, above board, and available to everyone, as long as they follow the few basic rules and are civil.

In any case, feel free to check it out. Register, enjoy, and stay if you wish, just leave any BS at the door…
I believe the board is down for some “tweaking” right now, but should be up again soon. It is at:

If any of you tried to check it out, it was down all weekend…but up and running now :slight_smile:

rtm is good ppl, the stuff i ordered was good stuffz… on the other hand what you said about slo boy racing sucking… they really do. I still havent received the 4th engine mount piece for the dsm from avid racing (through slo boy racing)… gay. Long story and I’m a very very very very busy guy, when I order shit or make a deal I expect it to be at my door/or as agreed… not having to hunt for someone back and forth.

you should have got your avid racing stuff from me :slight_smile:
Just because it is not on my site, doesn’t mean I don’t have it. And even if I don’t have it, I can probaly get it :slight_smile: