Another Angry DMV Question

This is a new one to me.

So I just turned 21 and went to the DMV to renew my license. While there I decided to get a new picture as well.

After waiting the standard hour in line, I turned in all my information and got my new picture taken… just a routine DMV visit.

Two weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying that my photo processing got screwed up and they were going to need me to come in again to get my picture retaken. So I go back, this time wait 45 minutes in line, and get my picture taken again.

Guess what shows up a good two weeks later?.?.?. Another notice claiming my photo was not processed correctly and that my face in fact broke the camera (ok well not that last part) but yes, once again I will need to go back to the DMV, wait in line for another .5 to 1 hour, and give up time in my day I cant afford to give up (Full time work and full time school all during usual business hours).

I have been pulled over once already (that was hell), denied beer at 3 or 4 gas stations, and forget supermarkets and liquor stores. Bars have been ok but the point is that the DMV has now screwed up twice costing me my convenience on multiple occasions. I paid to have my license renewed so I should be treated almost as a customer here…
Does anyone have any experience in maybe pulling some credit (for maybe registering a car later or something) by bitching to the DMV??? Is this possible? Any opinions?

I am 28 and I still have my 16 yr old photo.

Maybe you just suck. :gotme:

Maybe try a different DMV office where they might be smart enough to use the camera?

Oh wait, you’re talking about DMV office employees. N/M :lol:

Maybe… but they claim it has to do with the holographic seals on the new styled licenses.

Then get a better face.

you’re ugly, shit happens.

Try washing your face so the light doesn’t reflect off of the grease.

I won best smile in high school mothafuka!!! :smiley: <<< SEE

Which DMV office are you going to? I actually would try a different one. I’ve always had good luck with the ECC-N office not being very busy.

Well my wife went to get her last named changed on her title and reg. today, mind you last monday was presidents day, she goes to the one in lackawana and the doors are locked, the janitor opens the door and says they are closed for presidents day. WTF.

im going on 32 and i still use my pic from when i was 19 … i even had hair

i have never waited more than 15 minutes at a dmv…ecc south is my favorite

+1 for ecc south, nice waiting room and everything!
The DMW sucks though, for sure.

I took a new photo when I went to renew at 21. I had to I looked like I was 12 at the age of 16. Now I can at least get away with looking 19 at the age of 23.

I also need to make a trip into the DMV to add my motorcycle license, but I don’t feel like waiting in line on the weekend.

Same deal, I’m 26 and have my age 16 photo on there also.

When you go and renew your licenses, keep your old one that is expired and the renewal slip that is your temp.

If someone came into a bar with a date on the renewal slip for 3 months ago they would be turned away but if you have one from a week ago, most places wont give you a problem esp if you have a credit card or something else with your picture and name on it.

This has all been at ECC N. Im thinking its more of an issue over at Albany where the actual ID was being processed.

Thats what I have been doing and most bars dont care. Its the Casino, Liquor stores and Gas stations that have been turning me away blah.

Anyone have any insight as to if I was to bitch, if maybe they have a policy that I can earn some credit?

haha, of all things to be frustrated with. you cant even get beer to drink away the frustration. lol sorry josh, hopefully this time it comes right


(i’m 27 tho)

maybe he actually looks like a man now :mamoru:

The problem is clear. Your face is too sexy and horny 21 year olds in albany keep swiping your picture to masturbate on.

get muttonchops for your next dmv pic :smiley: