hot damn
did you drive a civic before? This is quite the upgrade, nice ride.
Very cool man! Super low miles :tup:
Are you DD’ing this?
no he had an STI…
but still an awsome upgrade… that is one of my dream cars :tup:
Is it an X50 car?
Very nice :tup:
I was in the 50s with the deal… and not 59,999 either haha.
I try to get back once every 5 weeks or so… let me know when your heading back too and ill try to pop back that weekend .
I had a civic waaaaay back when… good 8 years ago at least now. I was rocking a stage2 '05 sti before this for the last bunch of years… (courtesy of the late hybrid)
I always assumed you were 22 or 23.
I’ll keep an eye out on the mean streets of C-town. :tup: Nice grab.
OK I will say it, Best car on NYSPEED. THANK GOD you bought this over a Vette. I don’t hate Vettes but I love 911 turbos. And it is even silver!!!
Awesome pick up!
Awesome. Congrats.
i was all for the vette, but i think this might be winning me over. nice pick up :tup:
hahaha ugh and 24 in a few weeks
Oh crap man… this is very nice!
Very nice car :tup: