another computer question

hey guys

my mom just bought a new Dell desktop & she got Dial up net, and when it dials up u can hear it dialing thru the speakers is there away to turn that off she hates it and i can’t figure it out ?


Been awhile since I used a modem, haha! But there will be 2 places to turn off the speaker. One in the modem properties, and one in the dial up properties. To turn off the modem speaker do something like this:

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Phone and Modems -> Modems Tab -> Pick your modem and click Properties. Somewhere in there is a slider to turn the volume down. I don’t actually have a modem installed in this PC to get you more specifics. If no one else chimes in by the end of the day I’ll get more precise description from a PC with a modem.

thanks…u were close

there was a box to uncheck that said enable modem speaker:doh:

^^^ that is right.

or just unplug the speaker. :smiley:

or mute the speakers when it is dialing. :smiley:

i was wondering how long till some1 chimed and with that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

21 minutes :D:D:D:D

smart ass…:rofl:

if it’s a volume controlled modem, you should be able to hit audio properties (double click speaker by the clock, then to go to options and properties and you may be able to check the modem box and get the volume slider for it… then you can turn it way down, just enough to hear so that you know if you have a phoen line problem or some shit (like a busy signal or someone talking on the line already)???

ya thats what i checked for first the other day…but it doesn’t have that…but today after john repliedi saw in the modem properties there was a box to un-check that said enable modem speaker…i did that then signed off and back on and all nice and quiet now dialing up, should make mom happy now :blue:

Close enough to get it silent :cool:

Plus I was going from memory. So be lucky I got that close!