Another epic HBO mini-series?

When Tom Hanks makes war movies/series, they turn out to be epic.

Cant wait for this one.

Saw this about a year ago…I’ve been wondering when they were gonna make this

Band of brothers Iwo Jima edition? Whatever the case, it seems like it will be a good show.

I just watched Band of Brothers for like the 8th time. I can’t wait for this show.

Awesome :tup: there has yet to be a good Pacific theater movie of the saving private ryan/ band of brothers caliber.

Looks killer. Will have to call Verizon to sign back up for HBO.

I plan to buy a subwoofer just beacuse this is coming out.


or if my tax return works out better maybe this:

You didn’t like flags of our fathers/letters from iwo jima?

Flags of our Fathers was good, but its no Private Ryan. None hold a candle to Band of Brothers, I can’t wait for Pacific theater to come out. If its even half as good as the original it’ll be awesome!

Yes, this will be awesome.

Japs > Krauts

Japs dont surrender.

Good movies no doubt, so was thin red line. Just not the Spielberg/Hanks “feel” to it. Band of Brothers is a masterpiece that would be very hard to top.

x2 on the awesome part


Tiger tanks> Jap tanks
FW 190> Zero (actually pretty close)
Bismarck> anything from WWII
MG42> other weapons from WWII

samurai swords being used in modern combat > *


We don’t surrender.

Fat Man/Little Boy>MG42>WWII weapons


I liked Generation Kill when it was on. Too short but awesome nonetheless.

Is the word EPIC still cool to use? I can’t wait for the day where I don’t hear or read the words BRO or EPIC again.

The Japanese actually had the biggest battleship with the biggest guns ever built.

The Zero was a pile of shit. The only thing it had going for it was that it was light. Early in the war it was able to out fly our obsolete p40’s and Wildcats etc. With the introduction of planes like the p47, p51 corsair etc it was a slaughter for the Japanese air force. The German FW190 was an equal match to our planes for the most part. Lets not forget the Germans put the ME262 into action during WWII, which was the first Jet in combat.

I get what you’re saying, just posting based on results in history, lol. I’m aware we definitely were deficient in areas.

they only way we can know for sure is if the germans declare war on japan.

That would make an Epic movie. lol

we can just ask Palin what happened after they declared war on each other during WWII and whatever she makes up can be the plot.