Badass War/Fight movie scenes

I was watching saving private ryan and got inspired to see what other badass scenes you guys have seen in other movies.

Saving private ryan- omaha beach

Saving private ryan- 20 millimeter flank

Favorite war movie EVER

Ahh watched that last night. Greeeat movie!!!

I’d check out Enemy at the Gates as well. Another good one.
Band of brothers - the original is still my favorite thing to watch to this day.
Also Valkyrie was decent.

Have to check out and fine some sick scenes from them when I get home.

PS. Not a fight scene but at the end of Band of Brothers, when the Germans were captured. A German major/lieutenant/captain gives a speech and forget his name interprets it. One of the most bAdass war speeches I have ever heard.

Also another very good fight/battle scene
The Patriot

the messenger- battle of orleans- fighting starts at about 520

Hate all you want kids. Hate all you want. lol


pearl harbor

im actually watching this documentary on netflix right now, i gotta say its fucking amazing.

Restrepo, if you ever have an hour and 20 to watch a documentary, i highly highly recommend this.

I like the marijuana ones better.

yah man… already watched it. shit is powerrrrrrful

yeah dude, unreal. i literally lost track of time and just realized its now an hour and a half later than i thought it was.

pretty much ALL of the expendables