Good/Favorite movie scenes

Good/Favorite movie scenes

Office space:

What started it:

Then lead to:

Which led to:


Family guy version:


Intro scene where he’s blasting the music then turns it down…

And of course, the best part :lol




Bear fucker:

Tried to find the Burger place scene… but coundlt find it.

Found this though:


Pretty much anything from Casino because I just watched it:

The end scene from the boondock saints

I always liked goodfellas:

Reservior Dogs:
Tip Scene:


The infamous ear scene:

Eleanor chase scene from the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds w/ Nicholas Cage.

Bad Boys 964 Turbo S vs AC Cobra race towards end of film.

Ronin when DeNiro says, “I need something fast, like an Audi S8,” to be followed by one of the best car chase scenes in motion picture history.

The car chase in “Bullitt” with Steve McQueen’s Mustang Vs. Charger.

ace ventura - “yes satan”

forrest gump - “shrimp”

gone in 60 seconds remake - “eleanor chase”
part 1 -
part 2 -

ronin - “car chase scene”

the italian job remake - “heist/chase scene”…entire trailer.

+1, and when the brothers and the father are in the shootout. Awesome movie.

Also the end of the movie “Confidence.” Although I don’t know anyone else who has seen that movie haha