Another help settle a bet thread.

Which was more infamous:

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln


The assassination of JFK jr.

100 bones riding on this one…

JFK. Think about all of the grassy knoll references. Not to mention that there are plenty of people around today that were alive during that.

Tough call, I’m going to say Abe Lincoln…which led to create the phrase “your name is mud”


Jfk no doubt. There is still a lot of debate about it, whereas lincolns assassination was not associated with any conspiracies, and most of all there are still a lot of people alive who remember the jfk assassination.

Jfk jr died in a plane crash. Jfk was assassinated.

^Someone just lost 100 bones. lol

I missed that but LOL…

Nice catch. I didn’t give this thread more than a glance over before.

JFK on the right and JFK Jr. on the left.

Lincoln wins without a doubt.


Awww damn. you know what i mean.

picard me

I’ve always loved this picture

jfk only because there was a video…

however… i think i know more about lincolns assassination.

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

mom and sister both say jfk too…

“because nobody was alive during lincolns”

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

mom and sister both say jfk too…

“because nobody was alive during lincolns”