JFK Assassination

This is really long, but does a great job of pointing out all of the major players surrounding the President’s death, and even has some footage of Pittsburgh’s own Cyril Wecht weighing in on the autopsy. There are surprising connections to Bush Sr. and his associates in the CIA in the 60s.

[ame=“http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7818497765381916701”]JFK Murder and the Bush Family Connection[/ame]

is this a lead up thread to obama’s assasination?

:rofl: :rofl:

i’m really into the jfk assassination. i’ve read several books and seen a bunch of different programs about it. the problem is that so many different people had motives, so many mistakes were made. the most logical suspect would be our own gov. especially with the errors made with evidence, witnesses, secret service protocol, etc… etc…

Bush sr… thou… i mean you got the right state (TEXAS) but the finger should point right to Johnson. he would have been the mastermind, he had much to gain.

It really is fascinating. There are just so many angles and different objectives with the assassination, its just wild.

It wasn’t Johnson, It was his dad that had him knocked off.

actually it was not his dad but the organized crime he was involved in and there was nothing his dad could do to stop it. the whole jfk assasination is something i cant get enough of , as well as 911 conspiricy theories.

Nice thought, but no it was his DAD that gave the order to the organized crime family to proceed with the hit. So maybe his dad didnt pull the trigger, but he had it done. And while were at it, it was the same organized crime families, that did in Hoffa. Because in the end, Hoffa wanted to control organized crime, to the point of holding back their stealing of the Teamisters pension plans, and they were having no one hold them back. During the days of Hoffa being the man, he allowed the crime families access to a small portion of the pension plans money, after he went to jail the douche bag that took over (cant remeber his name right now) didn’t have a set of nuts, so he let the crime families have their way. Hoffa tried to come back, and would have but got his self dead first.

The real interesting part, is Hoffa and JFK sort of died becuase of each other. They kinda fought right up to each others deaths. And then toss in Booby and you got a real twisted tale.

What happend is the KKK was involved, killed all 4 mofo’s.

Bobby, Martin luther, John and Hoffa.

now since the KKK is weak, they cant kill sharpton, jesse jackson, or louis farrakan :kekegay:

you should know ! lol j/k

I’d join the kkk in a heartbeat . but they like lazy cunts that are known as white people :frowning:

Need to have my own cult. Hate everyone equally !