gotta love conspiracy very interesting. VERY LONG

Dont have time today to check it out, but I just saw something on the history channel about the JFK assasination and they prooved that the “magic bullet” was entirely possible (in fact, they even re-created the same thing using ballistics jell and a rifle)

yeah but did they show you the magic bullet and how it looks as it was only shot into some cotton wadding. theres not any damage to it at all. conspiracy in my book.

actually… they did. They couldnt believe it themselfs… I’ll try and see if I can find out the show and the next time it’s on… was really intresting :tup:

I just watched it, and I really don’t know what to think about all this. Though, I do think that JFK was shot from the grassy knoll, and not the book depository. The physical evidence is there. If all that POLITICAL evidence is true, and all the theories are even relatively close to truth, I think we are quickly headed into a world of shit (even moreso than it currently appears).

wow…and Rush Limbaugh’s talking about slightly similar stuff right now…

saw that as well…the whole show was based around the magic bullet…there were a few things that kinda bothered me, like strapping the gun down so the shot was 100% perfect…but it seems fairly probable that the magic bullet actually happened. But if you watch the video posted in this thread, the main focus in the beginning isn’t the magic bullet, but the 3rd shot that actually killed him since it seems to come from infront of him

The files get unlocked in like 40 years or something anyway, so we’ll find out then.

okay, I might be going a little crazy on this one:

If Bush Jr. was really behind the 9-11 attacks, as the end of the video insinuates, he very well may be behind the “upcoming BIG attacks” by the “terrorists”.

Think about it. “Osama” and the Al Queda are planning “the big one” to come up later this year. The United Arab Emirates just took over ports in several major US cities…quite possibly the cities that Al Queda plan on attacking. Granted, the UAE and the Al Queda are separate entities, but they can be working together, just that the UAE has a positive PR, and Al Queda are obiously terrorists.

The FBI and CIA were both supposedly American agencies working FOR America, but they had their own agendas. Ideally, they would work closely together. But they still don’t. It’s like the 60’s all over again. Look at the intelligence BS from 9-11. One side had ALL the info and the other side dismissed it. (FBI had it and CIA dismissed it??? or the other way around?? I forget. But my theory works smoother if that’s the way it happened) The CIA in on it. FBI is trying to fix it, but they don’t have the balls to expose it.

Holy crap…so complicated, I think I’ll have to make a 2 hour video to explain it.

you remember the name of it by any chance? I wanted to record it

lol nice sig btw… asshole :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Go look at my old posts regarding elections.
The CIA controls the puppets.:snky:


People say the Kennedys are US royalty.:lol:

After watching JFK II, the Kennedys are nothing more than and Bush’s bitch.:biglaugh:

The Bush family is more royal than the Kennedys because they have the real power and aren’t afraid to use it.:biglaugh:

The Bush family wants to rule the world.
The Kennedy family just wants to live like playboys.

Kennedys got money through mob activity.
BFD, tons of common people have done that.:rolljerk:

I’m not saying royalty is a good thing, I am just saying that’s how it is.

Can you say Jeb 2008?:snky:

Kennedys aren’t really considered US “royalty” anymore…maybe up until Jr. died but really that ended in the 80s

They were certainly more powerful than Bush could really get away with as a family…I mean President & Atty General BROTHERS

It’s hard to keep a royal family together when they keep dying

Had RFK not been killed he certainly would have won and politics today would be totally different…

PS - no way Jeb runs in 08…Americans would vote for him simply b/c of the “royal family” overtones

if anyone wants i have a link to a sept 11th thread

It would appear that Bush had more power.:wink:
Bush controlled the Kennedy puppets, then he cut the strings.(according to JFK II):snky: