Another reason to watch the XGames..


Uh, fuck yeah.

Eh, he’s alright I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, he’s a great choice, as he’s very well-known.

Very cool to see. He did as well as anyone could have in his short stint with Skoda last year. I don’t doubt that he’ll be competitive.

Now that his ugly UK teeth are fixed he can be on US TV.:smiley: = USA smile
Just kidding, he is AWESOME.
Big:tup: to a great driver with a very cool name.

The headline must have a typo is should read

WRC Legend Colin McRae To Destroy All Competition In First Ever X Games Rally

cause with his bankroll and talent that is whats gonna happen


True, but it will be kind of a hollow victory because Loeb, Gronholm and Solberg won’t be there. At least he won’t be driving a Skoda, although with Subaru sucking so much in the WRC this season, who knows, he may not even finish…

It wont be hollow. He will romp everyone’s ass and laugh about it.

You seem to be confusing a race car driver with someone who thinks winning should be honorable.

For shame.

Wow that was an emo response j/k I can’t wait to see how they do this at x games. It should be interesting to see the event and if it helps rally become more popular.

Heh the more your around racers the less emo it seems.

He will prolly get more press on the XGames than he does with the WRC

welcome to two weeks ago :slight_smile: