another red ring thread.

Shit, that sucks shawn :frowning: You can come over anytime and use our new one to play GTA or COD. Just bring over your hard drive. I feel bad :frowning:

yea it sucks but its still under warranty so w/e

awesome, so i had almost everything unplugged last night after getting it ready to ship out and after turning it on for the second time today (the first time was in the morning just to see if it worked and it did) it worked, so i tried signing onto live, shit i forgot to plug the wireless in, ok turn off the console, plug the wireless in and turn the console back onā€¦BAM fucking red ringā€¦ok maybe i didnt plug in the wireless right, turned off system unplugged wireless turn system back on, red ringā€¦sigh. first the pens shit the bed, now my xbox. such a downer, i thought it might have magically fixed itself :lol:

Educate a noob on this RRoD thing - I have a 360 but I rarely play it lately. Thing just shits the bed and you have to send it back to MS?

basically yea. when you turn the console on the green rings around the power button turn red and youā€™re basically fubared at that point.

i just got the 1 light the other day, its off being fixed right now, i still wont buy a ps3 either.

hahah good man

where did u end up sending it?

and just so u know, when it comes back they send you a bunch of monster cables

360-pros Monster cables? For what?

i already have an HDMI cable. guess i could sell it though. idk exactly where im sending it, should be getting the packing materials from them today according to UPS, so ill have to see when i get home.

lol sorry i was fucking with rob, since he hates monster, they dont send any cables.

my bad I misinterpreted

got a new one in the mail yesterday :slight_smile: along with a free month of live, which makes up for the 3 paid weeks i lost :tup:

Not to shabby :tup: :tup:

Iā€™m still waiting for my RROD.

so i assume you mailed it out around the 28th? i got the rrod a few days after i read this thread, i hope i get mine back as quickly as you did. i mailed mine out june 5th after i got my free ups box.

edit: mine is scheduled to be delivered monday. not too bad time wise i was expecting it to take longer. :tup:

You first.