another red ring thread.

Got it for the first time yesterday, turned the console off then back on and it worked so i thought nothing of it. Then today when i turned it on it was back, turned it off and on 3 more times and its still there :frowning: . it only has 3 rings though, do the number of rings actually make a difference? is sending it back the best way to go or are there local places that will fix or exchange?

yes 3 rings = bad, off to microsoft to get rebuilt

yea did a lil more research, im sending it in and they’ll fix it for free, still 2-3 weeks with no GTA IV or COD

aparently if you wrap it in towels covering the vents run it for 15 minutes then turn it off and let it cool it could fix the problem…ive never had to try it but i have had friends try it and some it didnt work, some worked temporarily and theres 2 that had it happen a while back that r still playin so could give it a shot…not much u can lose if it dont work its gotta go back anyways.

that is a temporary fix, basically it over heats the counsel enough to cause the broken solder points to fix themselves.

Sounds risky to wrap it in towels.

not to mention it void factory warranty since you have to open the box

i wrapped mine in the towels for 15 minutes, and it worked for about a half hour at a time before it would just freeze and the lights would come back on, your better off just sending your xbox in to microsoft and youll get it back in a few weeks

no you don’t, you literally warp the whole 360 in a towel and leave it on.

i think they dont even fix the xbox anyways, they just turn it on to check if the red lights do come on, then they just have to fill out paperwork and then they send you a new xbox

they send you a refurbished one…ie one that was broken before and fixed by them and throw yours in a pile to be fixed.

there is home kits that work for $10 to fix it. my roommate fixed his that way but again, its a temporary fix. if your xbox isnt opened or modded, send it in and get a fixed one. if it is, check out and order the RRoD Fix.

oh i thought u wrap the whole board… anyway dont do it

Send it off, don’t waste your time with the towell.

yea its more like a month minimum

yeah i meant they send you a different one. the lady that called me told me but i couldnt understand her accent and she was old:shrug:

they actually fixed mine and sent me the same one back (check the serials)
upon getting mine back w/ wireless don’t work and i had disk read errors, so i called xbox bitched and sent me a brand new unused system :slight_smile:

Shoot yourself.


towel trick worked… i think. I let it run wrapped for 15 min then turned it on after 20 min and still had the ring, let it sit overnight then this morning i thought ide give it a shot for the hell of it, and no red. didnt play cause i had to go to work but well see how long it lasts for. i requested the warranty work from xbox and if it goes red again ill send it in.

smacks forehead