Three days before Xmas...

…and my Xbox 360 got the ring of death.

Anyone else have this problem? They’re sending a new console, but who knows how long that’ll take.


those things seem to be breaking all of the time

welcome to 2007.

i’ve had it happen… there are ways to attempt to fix it at home… did you already send it off?

If he has legit warranty there is no reason to attempt to fix it. They will probably send him back an upgraded refurb with new heat sink. Possibly even a new DVD drive to match.

I’ve fixed two consoles, the new ones aren’t as easy to mod, so I try to fix them instead of messing with sending them in. if you want help fixing it, its pretty simple, just requires some time and about 5$ worth of stuff from lowes/home depot

unless its the new 65nm chip, its really a waste of time, because it’ll just break again. They will work better now that the BRAND new ones have 65nm in them.

What would the warranty be like if I bought one from say GameStop?

Basically all I need is console with wireless, wireless controller and headset so I can fulfill my ambition of playing COD5 the rest of my life.

ive sent mine in once… it still gets the ring of death… ive left my xbox on when i went out of the house for a bit and come home to the ring of death… they should just ship you a new one instead of “fixing” it

I requested the shipping materials already. It’s still well within warranty (two years left), so I’ll just let them do it for free.

I just bought mine and every time I run it I have a little 4" fan that I turn on to help keep it cool. Sucks to see these things still have the failure rate that they do.

I think that Gamestop provides their own warranty (Something like 30 minutes or 30 feet) because those units are brought in from customers, and I think some of them might be tampered with, so MS won’t warranty them. I saw a slim PS2 in Gamestop used that had the seal broken.

they have refurb units too with a 1 year warranty

compusa has refurbs for 169 w/3 mo. warranty and some poor reviews on console condition, wrong fans, wrong power blocks, bad cables

so for $30 more buy one from wally world :rolleyes:

takes about 3 weeks, they send you a prepaid fed ex box, then you ship it back, then they repair or replace and send back to you. do not send ur hard drive. they will also send a free 1 month xbox live card for lost time

That’s what I’m thinking. The warranty is worth the extra money.

This is what you do if your somewhat tech savvy. First if you have a older xbox and you just got rings of death goto wally world and buy a premium (w hdmi). Switch the internals. And shazam your done. But I know what your saying, “Wait Starboy, if I didnt have hdmi and switch out the internals, wont there be a huge gap were the connector was?” Yes. Then remember your taking it back to Wally World were the most tech savvy people work.

OR You can go on ebay and buy a 30$ xbox with a 30day warranty. Thats a refub.

that’s ghetto

Wow what a coincidence mine got 1 flashing red light sunday night …with an E73 error which I guess meant some ethernet problem …I sent it back monday morning thing was less than a year old and constantly had problems already scratched the hell out of my nhl09 disc then started saying couldnt read the disc and then the error …its supposed to be delivered back to the repair place today

brand new 360 from a store. Still have Xbox Live Silver Free for life still available?

What I find hilarious is the people(many on this forum) that still tell me xbox is still just as good as a Ps3.

It’s a personal preference. Just like I like girls and you like boys. To each his own.