Three days before Xmas...

i like how the xbox 360 is ran, and i like the controller, configurations, and games over ps3, but… Your right the consoles are pos im on my 3rd one in just over a year (console has been replaced by warranty 2 times). But at the end of the day u can still guy 2 xboxs for one ps3, and i dont give a shit about bluray.

Yeah yeah its still bs that the consoles are almost junk out the box haha.

buy one at walmart, swap em, return the busted one to a different walmart. done.

i’m still on my first 360 no issues yet…knock on wood

Pretty sure it does. Also comes with 1 month free Gold trial.

x2 but tell them its defective so they dont put it back on the shelf

you guys heard about the new jasper right?

its the 65nm chip and uses a lot less juice, meaning it runs cooler, and the stupid cpu/gpu won’t de-soder itself because of the lead free soder. They also improved the new heatsink design so it won’t warp the board as much, meaning you won’t get 3 red rings as much :slight_smile:

so far my 360 has been solid after I modded the xclamp, I don’t know how long its gonna last but we’ll see.

they also found a way to flash the new liteon drives which were ‘unflashable’ a few months ago, so there is no issue with the new 360s now :slight_smile:

liteon? the issue is with hitachis(0079xx) needing physically modded to be able to be flashed

Liteons are newer than the 79s. 79s have been opened up for awhile.

79s still require physical intervention… correct?

My sons is about 3 or so years old and has the ring of death, and i would like to try to fix it before buying a new one. How do I do it?

how many red lights does it have?

One as far as I know, but I never play it, but I could find out.

if it has three its still covered under warranty. then again i just got mine back a month ago from them and now its freezing and being gay.

four rings, if that helps.

The four light error is supposed to be not hooked up audio video cables to the console. if they are hooked up unplug them and plug em back in.

im going to throw mine out the damn window. got mine back about 3 weeks ago from getting fixed and it broke again. one read ring and some error code. fucking fuck. gonna have to buy the new one now.

just start flipping on adam and blame it on being prego he will buy you one

god that is a great idea lol. your a smart man haha.

lol glad i can help

Everytime I play COD4 the next time I turn my console on it won’t read any disc’s for like a day, just says OPEN TRAY. No other games give me problems though.