xbox 360 red lights

fuck i got the red lights of doom. wtf, this sucks, anybody here that plays xbox have this happen to em? what did u do to get it sent back to get fixed, and how long did it take?

Call up their support line, but first make sure you have your box registered with After that you are good to go, call them, they will try and troubleshoot it, then if its still broke, they will get your info and send you a box with everything, label, tape, packing supplies. Takes between 3-5 days to get your box depending on when you call, then after you send it in, normally takes 2 weeks to get back, but I have heard of some taking 4 weeks. If they can fix it you get your xbox back, if not, they send you a refurbished one with the extra heatsinks and all. But it is free, it happened to mine, the day I got it back I took it in and exchanged for the elite though. =)

ahh ok i c. fuck, i wish i could just take it to a store, and get a refurbished one, and they take mine haha

they have acknowledged a problem and likely will fix it for free

they MIGHT fix it. Microsoft correct me if im wrong (think blazed knows more about this) but they just redid there warranty info which mean date xx/xx wont be covered. But xx/xx will so you might luck out, your best bet is to call them.

i read about that… $1.5 bil recall…OUCH!!

happened to me… i’m ‘out of’ warranty so i tried to fix it myself… the ‘towel trick’ is funny, but worked short term… i have it apart and wrapped in foil to try the heat gun trick next… mine works until it heats up and freezes, then gives me the rings …

since i bought a new one… sucks big time! !!

is this a problem on just the early ones?

that blows… I’d be majorly pissed if this happened…
I havent had any problems with my PS3 and my buddy hasnt with his 360 either. (his is like a year old)

Good luck with thoes warranty.

ahh wtf, hope they fix it! calling tomorrow. if not, oh well, just try and buy a 360, with nothing, not even a hard drive.

Actually I think M$ manned up and takes back any with the 3 red lights, I could be wrong though. What you could do is do the towel trick, which makes it work again, take it back to a gamestop for credit, then like next day go in and buy a refurbed one. My friend knows someone who buys em off ebay and rips gamestop off big time.

It happened to mine. Still under warranty. I registered it on the site, put in a request for service, they shipped the coffin. I packaged it up, sent it out and have been waiting for it to come back.

Yeah I forget how much they reserved on their financial statements for the repairs of the bad consoles. If I remember correctly it was somewhere in the millions or billions of dollars.

bought mine used at cd warehouse-
played it for 6 months -WHEN that happened


The failure rate of these things is terrible.

heat gun trick FTW! My buddy did it a few weeks ago. Still working good.

whats the towel trick, and heat gun trick?

Towel trick:

tryin the towel trick, as we speak