3 Red Lights of Death

So whos the xbox guru that can fix my 360? Or should I just ship it out to xbox?

Sell it to me Nick :bigthumb:

ill sell it to you with no hard drive

call xbox and they will fix it for free. same thing happened to mine.

My ps3 just died they are replacing it for free.

I can fix it, np… but if it’s under warranty you would probally get a newer unit back with HDMI…

i thought they would just fix it

Nah, once they get your unit they usually just send another one out.

They can be fixed easily by replacing the x-clamps, but if your warranty is still good then you would probally get an upgrade by going through them.

I Don’t have a warranty sticker any more :naughty:

well im sure they are going to give me a new one, since last night I kicked it about 10 times to see if that would do anything. (I was not successful) Now you can hear little bits and pieces moving around in there so im confident i broke the board. I called they said they would cover it so ill be amped if they give me one with a hdmi input.

now you might be screwed…

told them on the phone it sounded like something was floating around in there. “Mike” told me everything would be fine . :dunno:

ill keep you posted in about 6 months when i get my xbox back

sweet…now you give some of us time to catch up a little on your COD4 stats. Your a maniac on there.

they will…i sent an xbox in like 2 months ago and they shipped one back with hdmi…just sucks it takes like 2 months to get it

i havent played in like 2 weeks?
tried to play last night but thats when the shit hit the fan.

yah whitey will be happy atleast.

i have been inside a ton of these consoles :wink:

i doubt you broke the board, it is secured quite well to the metal frame, the rattling sound it actually probally the tilt sensor, to operate the changing green lights on the power ring, i cant think of anything that could actually be knocked loose

either way… i bet you get a HDMI one back.

Actually how Microsoft works on these is, you get your original unit back UNLESS they cannot fix a certain thing on your unit. I sent mine out after getting the lights, took 3 weeks, but got the same unit. My friend sent his out, 3 weeks passed, he calls Microsoft, they tell him they couldnt fix his unit (cant remember reason right now) and they would be sending him a unit to replace his. Ending up being a refurb of course, but still carries warranties, but no HDMI. Luck of the draw I would say.

I have never heard of anyone getting a new (HDMI) box back from warrenty repair.

They will first try to repair your problem - most likely by upgrading to the new cooling system they use.

When that doesn’t work, they swap you out with a refurb.


P.S. - any DRM content from Live will be broken if you get a different box back.

My wife bought me one in like Nov/Dec for christmas. Have these newer ones been breaking/overheating still or was that solved before these ones were made?

When my launch xbox died, i had a newer build date console back in 4 days.
The RRoD is caused by the same problem, and that is solder joints cracking due to heat and stress of the X Clamps flexing the board… i would think they would have it down to a science… shit i can fix it in 10 minutes at home.

Theres not really a new cooling system… well there is a new heatsink unit for the GPU with a 2nd external heatsink attached via heatpipe, but it is not too effective…

There is a new heatsink on the new 65nm CPU equipped boxes, one without heatpipes, a less effective heatsink, but sufficient for the 65nm CPU’s which produce significantly less heat.