Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

My Xbox 360 got the infamous red ring of death. I really don’t want to have to purchase a new one so I was hoping anyone who could offer advice on how to fix it. Is there anyone on the forum that has encountered this problem with their xbox and knows how to fix it? Of course I am willing to pay for the repair if someone knows how to do it. Thanks in advance everyone.


How old is our xbox because xbox fixed mine for free in less than 10 days

Well theres the simple but temporary fix of wrapping your xbox up, basicly causing it to overheat and reset…

I’ve heard people go Months without having the issue again ive also heard of people having the issue after 10 mins

Then theres the more intrusive taking apart the xbox, taking off and applying new thermal compound to components along with using pennies as a makeshift heatsink on a set of chips that microsoft felt the need to neglect…

Anyways if your realitivly tech savvy you can do it, will just take a bit of time and be careful…

If you want to tackle this yourself…google “X-Clamp Fix”…however the results vary. I had mine last a few months, some last a little less. It DOES fix the issue, but once you RRoD, you will probably RRoD again later on (unless you send it to Microsoft).

I personally went out and bought a new one since the new ones don’t have these issues (different core which runs cooler and is better designed). The new cores have like a 4% chance of RRoD’ing, while the original cores have a 55% of RRoD’ing. Mine will probably last as long as the 360 is ‘modern’.

Or you can just search craigslist for someone who’s offering repair services. Most of them run around $50 I believe.

Check that out. It has some of the info you want.

Yes and no. I don’t like that writeup. This one is much better (and the one I personally used) in my opinion. It seems to be a little more noobie friendly since it has nice pictures of how the washers go, etc.:

well like I said I just sent mine into to xbox, bes ting was my warranty was over BUT they couldnt believe I still had one of the first xbox360 and it was the first time calling them a few months back so they told me they would fix it for free YAY FOR ME !!!

Dude you can’t be serious, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If you really overheat the chips, your fucked.

My xbox is a couple of years old. I’m assuming my standard warranty on it is expired. I never purchased a protection plan from EB Games. I’m going to look into Microsoft making the repair on it. Thanks for all the info guys.

Sorry I should elaborate more…

When it RRoD’s its basicly in shut down mode, xbox overheats and goes into that RRoD…

If you wrap it up in a blanket it causes the system to overheat to a point where it shuts itself down and resests it (Like a CPU on a PC, gets to hot it shuts down and resets on you so you dont kill it) so it hits its safety threshold shuts itself down and wipes clear the RRoD thinking it never happend

I know it sounds stupid but it works, look up xbox 360 blanket trick on youtube.

I did it for a friend of mine as well it does work, but his xbox 360 RRoD about 2 weeks later

I will not be doing any of that to mine. I’d rather get it fixed the correct way.

Dont blame you, it wouldent be my first choice either…

Just saying, I know it works…

… for 2 weeks

haha sometimes less… but you can do it quite a few times…

But like I said, without sending it to microsoft even some of the fixes you can do yourself are only temporary…

Its luck of the draw i suppose


Oh stop it you


I just got off the phone with Microsoft and I’ll share what they told me.

Microsoft is offering an extended 3 year warranty on certain Xbox 360 consoles that get the 3 red lights. If your console fails and 3 red lights light up on your Xbox, you may send it to Microsoft and they will repair it at no cost to you. It must have 3 red lights lit up though.

Mine has 3 lights that are lit up so I got lucky and did not get charged the $100.00 service repair. They e-mailed me a UPS Postage stamp to send the Xbox back with and will have the console returned to me in about 2-3 weeks.

Good to hear!

I’ve heard micrsoft can be hit or miss when it comes to this

for the record, the blanket trick does work as I have done it before, mine lasted about 4 months after doing it haha