Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

^ I hate you, and your nontechnical work-arounds

Thank you sam…

I understand its not the best method but its a quick fix and well, even when all else fails sometimes its the only thing you can do to get the damn thing to reset

I definitely can see that method working. Enclose it so the device can’t breath and let it heat up and reset. It definitely can’t be good for the Xbox though.

Well the whole point of it resetting is that it shuts itself down and resets before damage is done… much like Motherboards do on PC’s when the CPU gets to hot and it shuts down the comp

Well if you said you only had 3 out of 4 in the beginning I could of told you go no farther they are warranting that for free

At first I thought it was all 4. But after taking a closer look I noticed it was 3.

I have a method that works. Period. BUT it involves pennies and electrical tape…

well no matter it s getting fixed which is awesome because it wont cost you anything

Elaborate for shits and giggles, sir.

Theres a set of IIRC 6 chips on the back of the Mobo that microsoft neglected…

Anyways these are the cause of the RROD as they have really hardly any ventalation or heatsinks…

Basicly you take a stack of 3-4 pennies for each chip, wrap them in electrical tape then use thermal compound to stick them to each chip…

Like a ghetto heatsink if you will

these help keep the chips cool and hopefully prevent the rrod or at least from occuring as frequent as it would without it

That doesnt always work, it only works for certain situations. Theres been a video up on youtube on how to do this but it rarely works.

I don’t know about rarely. I have done it twice on two diff. machines and they have yet to have another problem…

so then why does everyone do the x-clamp replacement insted of the tape and penny trick? are you the only one who knows about it?

Don’t be a jackass.

I would say they x-clamp replacement is used more often than not because it is more practical. I use the penny trick because its the first one I have tried and it has worked well for me. If it works and your used to doing it, why change what your doing?

No, the X-Clamp is much better. It equally distributes the cooling over the chips better than the pennies trick because the pennies trick uses tap, not screws. Screws/tightening is much more precise.

Also, the reason why the towel trick works is because the XBox’s have an issue with the solder not connecting very well after a while due to flexing of the board during heat up/cool down sessions.

What the towel does, it gets everything SO HOT, that the solder basically re-flows itself.

I tried to explain it best I could. I read that somewhere. Someone told me to over heat it so the VGA stuff reflows (I had a VGA issue seperate from RRoD).

I was just asking, first it was the towel trick, once everyone found out about that they tried it, then it was the x-clamp which seems to work from what i have seen about 75% of the time, now the tape and penny trick. You should spread the word, go big. I know alot of these guys make good money on selling the fix it kits on ebay. I wonder what the going rate for electric tape and some pennies is?

Great i’m glad it works better but I don’t care. I have 2 machines with the penny fix, that have been working perfect for 6+ months with no issues. All I am arguing is that since I know how to do the penny trick better than the xclamp trick and since it is working perfectly for me, I will continue to use the penny trick.

Ah internet sarcasm FTL. Thought you weren’t using your dipstick for a minute. Either way, the trick is well known, I found out about it after a buddy of mine did it to his machine so I learned it from him.

My post wasn’t for you. It was a general statement. It just happened to be after your post (since you beat me to hitting submit). Relax there Kimosabe.

Whatever works, works. Congrats. Either way, any fix you do, is only temporary. If you get the RRoD once, unless you ship it to MS, you WILL get it again. This is why I bought a system with the new core. Less problems and MS fixed it’s crappy RD issues with the new batch(s).

Yeah my old one RROD, i did the x-clamp replacement, it worked for like 2 months, I sold it on ebay for like $70. I bought a new one this past January, that would have al lthe new shit right?