just turned on my girlfriends xbox for the first time in a year and its got a red ring…so i researched a little and found some solutions.
1.send it into microsoft and have them fix it
it takes a min of 4 weeks and it may or may not be covered under microsoft…great
2.put towels around it and overheat it and hopeto re solder the chip to the board???
so i got it on the kitchen counter wrapped up like a newborn and im hoping to god it works…
I’ve had 2 work great and it only cost me $3 from lowes in parts. otherwise you can buy a new xbox, swap cases, and return it(they scan a barcode on the case now)
microsoft can probably fix it if it was bought in the last 3 years if im correct. if you want to fix it yourself, the towel trick wont work all the time. you can do the xclamp fix that will probably fix this. is it the 3-ring that it’s giving you??
i just took the towels off and it didnt work…
i dont have a 3 ring tho, the whole thing is red.i was looking at the llama kit and it looks pretty confusing…i may have to hire someones services
the 4 red lights i believe are audio/video issues…let me do some research for you and see
edit: make sure the A/V cable is plugged into your xbox when you’re turning on your console. if you dont, it can give you the 4 rings when you may be having the 3 rings all along
Towel trick worked for me - the system only ran for a half hour though. I ended up sending it back to get repaired. No Problems thus far - but that was my second time sending it back. Hopefully no more F-Ups
Walmart is the best for this. They never check anything. Bought a DOA wireless adapter on Ebay for $30 and swapped it at Walmart without an issue. Saved $70.