Another Sisterhumper92HATCH EPIC FAIL

yes this im aware of… doesnt stop me from posting though.

Too bad I’m not a mod. :shifty


Or ban him again, several people on here would not miss him.

to hell with deletion

ive dont nothing to ban me for so fuck off douchebag.

mature fizzle… very mature.


wow this is amazing. travis finally has a way out of being the center of negative attention and he jumps right back into it. way to go sir!!! you truly show how you are the biggest douche on shift!!

hey fuckwad, get a clue. /end

sounds to me like he is the one with the clue. +1 for yetti.

You can’t just jump in the rind with Ali, cause you think you can box.


you just said end: end

GTFO you fail

I like the tuna here.

nobody likes the tuna here

Hopefully he does and gets KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT aka BANNNNED

Seems like failvis missed the attention whoring.


i actually never understood why everyone just accepted failvis back, he did rip a lot of people off…I have never met the kid, but some of the shit even pissed me off and I had nothing to do with it lol

Did he rip anyone from this site off? Or only sell to people accross the country knowing theres no way theyd get a plane ticket to come here and hit him over the head with a blunt object?