Another :tup: to Stealtth (part 2, 328i + Roady) [[no 56k .. DUH]]

Had some problems with my hood (tree leaf dye), so Jon was nice enough to help me out and make my car look great! :headbang:

Not bad for 10 year old paint, thats for sure :wink:

Some cool reflection shots:

and the family:

Paint looks pretty good I assume the 328 is the DD?

Oh yeah btw M Roadsters = The Hotness S52 or S54?

Thats some good looking paint.

yea 328 is the DD … 10 year old paint still looking nice too :smiley:

and the roady is a s52, but some :snky: in its future

and don’t mind the dust on them … damn sheridan construction across my street makes it impossible to keep them dust free!

looks awesome :tup: