few new add-ons + wash = ///m picture time *56k take a hike*

So i got my new SS roll hoops put in, along with my new leather conv. boot and some new bulbs :tup:


Nice pics, love the ones in front of the building. S52 or S54?





All of the above.


fiddy too

omg so hot

tup!!! yeah what he said! it is an 01?

check the post above yours ^^

thjose bottom pics are magizine quality stuff!

s52 … its a 1998 …

looking to possobly turbo in the future. with only 20k on the motor i got time to decide :slight_smile:

if u dont mind saying, where did u take the last fwe pics at? and did the place mind u driving your car right up there for some pictures? very nice pics as well. i like the ones in front of The Center For The Arts as well.

the last ones are at 100 College Parkway. its a office building and there is only cleaning crew there late night. i usually go around 11pm (went there when i had my acura 2 years ago). i figure if anyone comes out i can just say i’m doiung an art project for school and hope they dont call the cops.

i think stealth took pics there a few years back. looks cool.

yea, he took his vette there last year. came out nice

looking very very nice


those last few shots are killer


looks good griff :tup:

M Roadsters are hot :slight_smile: Nic pics man!

SEXXXXY, i want an m coupe

the bimmer board wanted hi-res pics, so if you want them they are here: http://bgriff.us/pics/roady

(at the bottom)

Nice! I like the “roll bars” they really seem to “fit” right on your car.
