i said what i said, because he instantly throws this item in the trash in his statements. then makes a comment about big turbos. i said what i did about lag, because old porsches were on/off switch cars. the dinosaur turbos on them coupled with the relative size of the turbo is kind of along the lines of what he said about running gt40’s. i understand hes got his following around here. personally i dont know him or his credentials, ive never seen one of his personal projects completed, either i wasnt around or i just missed it.
and you know as well as i do, gaining any type of tech. knowledge is nearly impossible, either people dont care, or they arent on the same wavelength as the crowd who knows a thing or two about whats going on. trying to break things down in a technical manner goes nowhere here. much of what he types looks like something i could fin on google. am i saying he doesnt know it, not at all. but he doesnt put things in terms that most of the crowd here will understand. im sure a bunch of people here dont understand bernouilles principle, or know what volutes are, or reversion. i truely dont understand why he even tries to explain much of what he does.
Then I just don’t have anything left to impart on this forum. :ponder
I’m a technical guy. Very technical. Those who are close and have known me for a long time will tell you the same. I read posts and try to break the down and explain them the best way I can. Most of the tech stuff I post can’t really be “dumbed down” for lack of a better word… mainly because I just don’t how to. Or if I could, the posts would be so long people would just pass over it anyway and as you’ve mentioned I like to write “novels” as it is(much like this one is becoming). I do it because if one person reads it and go “hey, pretty neat” or “oh that’s how it works/goes” then I feel good about passing along the info.
Brett, I’m not the type of guy that wants to start a ruckus, I just get flustered when people brush me off as a hoot in the woods and start posting like mad. My street car credentials may not be like Synapse or Redline, but then again 90% of the stuff I’ve worked on, designed, and built doesn’t have a VIN and never sees the street, legally anyway. If we met we could probably shoot the shit for hours over cars, racing, and beer. Come to the thatchers meet this Saturday, we’ll shake hands and chat. Seriously. One of the few street cars I work on will be there as well for you to poke around, maybe go for a ride. Tone is very difficult to depict on an internet forum.
I just read/see certain parts or products and right from the get-go I dissect it to find pros/cons. To me, the cons far outweight the pros of that product. It may work well for SP and the majority of the public, but in my eye there are faults that are just not worth it, and hence yes why I shot it down from the start.
FWIW, I do like slightly oversized turbos. I love lag, makes a car more fun to drive on the track. Boring cars to me are seamless power delivery, which is why I’d rather have a 3.6 Turbo than a 996 Turbo :nod
O, and this wierd Turbo spooling thingy. I def wouldn’t use it on my car. where the hell is the exhaust gases from the other 3 cylinders going to go while its closed?
i like technical, but without seeing a part perform. because one doesnt like its design, doesnt necessarily mean its garbage.
-i dont have experience with redline, but i hear nightmarish things about them.
-wont be around saturday. going down state in the early afternoon. have some other arrangmentts already.
the only street car i know of is Justin mcgraths STi. and since its a ej257, it will blow up. thats the ultimate fate of that engine, regardless of who assembles it.
like i said above, cant always judge something by first impressions. what doesnt work for you may work great for someone else. as ive said Sound Performance is a leader in the market they are in. surely if its not used exactly as intended, it might not work, but that goes for anything else as well.
a 94 3.6 turbo or a 996… tough choice ;D i found a white on grey, with 22k… at a bargain price of 75,000$ :wow
all i can say is this thread makes me cry :lol… wtf is wrong with you dude… your gunna sit there behind a keyboard and argue with a guy who’s job and credentials are surrounding the topic and tell him he’s wrong?
whats your job
have you every done hands on flow testing?
have you ever designed a manifold/turbo/head from scratch?
have you ever tried not being such a VW owning dusche bag?
you need the last word in don’t you… you can just try to get it you NEED it… and b/c of that your arguing something which in theory you get but in practice you have no clue… yup you deff got to be a smart guy if your trying that hard to reach