Any body Know Bottlefed?

Just raced a transam maroon color with a license plate that said bottlefed or bottlefd sounded cammed. it was a clean car. Guy wouldnt even look at me. You could def here him purging nitro. I gave him a 3 beep he ignored it then later he just gunned it when we were side by side. GFY!

it was a 3rd gen car wasnt it ? IF so its a 12-13 sec car i raced him twice i think . nice -clean car agreed

Yes, i think thats the one!

thats cause your racing the wrong bottle fed cars :wink:

He already beat you

that was on a 100 shot. Im sure on a 150 given he pulled me by 2.5-3 cars on race gas the outcome MIGHT be different…but who knows.

Always worth a shot to have some fun. Im sure he would have no problem having some friendly runs

thing is im being a little bitch about going over a 100 shot LOL. I just need to do it I guess

They seem to hold 150 boots with no problem. As long as you arent running crazy timing you should be fine

its tuned for it and shit. Im only running 21* which is nothing…and I have a racetronix fuel pump and hotwire kit in the car…its just something about a 150 that Im scared to step up to. Maybe its because I dont want to fuck up a motor I got for free LOL

cough cough BITCH cough cough

Better do it soon precision 6262 is coming soon…


i know i know.

if my shit blows, I have a car sitting in a barn for a year or two while im making payments…dont want to be in that position.

Find some one that can datalog the car when you spray it. I wouldnt wanna pop an engine either they are pricey to build

I have HP Tuners. My buddy just has the cable for it.

sooooo true .