any deals going on with ps3's ?

Looking to pick one up, anyone know of any good deals currently going on? $399 seems to be the cheapest i’m seeing for an 80gb system

just a heads up… I’m almost 100% positive that you can swap the HDD in the PS3 with anything you want without voiding the warranty.

might be better looking for a smaller one and upgrading yourself

its really not even that much cheaper honestly…MAYBE save $40? i’ll just pay the little bit extra at that point, thanks for the headsup though

oh, ok.

I thought I remember hearing that a local store had them on sale, don’t recall which though (maybe kmart/wallmart or something)

here’s one for 225 (currently)

Why PS3 honestly?

The games are just horrid and the joysticks suck so much.
Its got its ups like blueray, free online play and true 1080p but still… I cant get past the games, and those joysticks that sony just refuses to refine.

I prefer the PS3 Over the 360 any day

yeah so does the 360, plus they have had it much longer than sony.

sucks for u then lol

really dont wanna deal with a used one :stuck_out_tongue:

edit i’m not gonna turn this into a ps3 vs xbox 360 debate … i’ve had 2 360’s already btw

the Best Buy Private Store that was posted on ehre a while back has cheap ones all the time.

yep tons on there all the time

not to hijack but what is this private best buy store you speak off??

check ur pm

All ps3 needs to do is make the joysticks dip inward instead of out like they do now. I agree that it makes it tougher to play shooters and such, because if you have any moister on your fingers, they slide right off the joystick.

Other than that, no need to get into a 360 vs ps3 debate again. Google says:

Results 1 - 10 of about 14,200,000 for ps3 vs 360. (0.09 seconds)

Im sure you can find what people think somewhere within those 14,200,000 results. Lets not start another thread.

Anyway, dont be afraid of a used ps3 either. Failure rate is something like less than 1% vs the 360s failure rate. Which is why Im assuming youve owned 2?

Also, arent ps3 harddrives, just laptop harddrives? Fairly certain they are swappable with most laptop harddrives. A nice 160gb 7200rpm hd can actually work with a ps3 no problem. Its just kind of a waste unless you use it as a media center, and not just saved game files like most of us do.

I’d honestly look for a used original 60GB PS3 as they have the best backwards compatability for PS2 games. No sales that I’m aware of though. There are rumours around the interweb that there may be a price drop for the 360 soon and this may result in a similar price drop for the PS3 as well.

i still want a ps3 for movies

lol that’s why I bought mine, when I bought my 40" lcd from best buy I got $100 off a bluray player $300 or more…and a ps3 is that, so I killed two birds with one stone, kinda, I NEVER play video games, but it made a good dvd player.

well, think of it as an investment. Whats going to be worth more in 2 years?