Any engineers have a habit of writing in caps?

I write in my own form of chicken-scratch; most people have a fun time deciphering my “notes” unless I write them out very carefully. Mostly I write “normal” though.

I jot my notes like that. If I write cursive I cant read my own shit LOL. I’ve also noticed the majority of engineerings majors have no punctuation/grammer. Guess it doesnt matter when your language is mathematics.

all caps, i thought it was cool in HS and have been doing it ever since… although my writing has degenerated into illegible dr. script

chicken scratch for handwriting, when im typing papers, i randomly capitalize letters for emphasis on the words

Yea my dad does since i was a kid. thats how i picked up santa was my parents when i was younger. Noticed all the presents were written the same way my dad writes. lol

my father does that too, but he cant spell so its funny, hes an electrical engineer though so yeah i guess that might be why


LOL, yes.

My dad does it all the time (retired Civil Engineer).

Me - not so much. I bounce between “block print” and “semi-cursive”.

It’s also a military thing, i can’t stop writing like that for some reason.

I do that too, started with my drafting classes at hutch tech.


I don’t know why or when i started writing in all caps…but i prefer it. I’m not sure if i attribute it to engineering or not.

i picked up writing in all caps during high school, it was the design classes that required it

i can write 3x faster with cursive, and while its legible for most others, it looks terrible.

I just write in all caps. Always have and always will. My English teaches in school hated it. I dont mix upper and lowercase letters though. I just make the “uppercase” letters a tad bit taller than the other ones.