Weird work Habbits. ??

Ok, so for the past week or so I find that I am only using my right hand at work. I did not intentionally do this, it just happened. It really just came to me that I was only using on hand today. I know that if I was to use both of my hands, I would be more efficient, but I refuse to.

I am a mechanical engineer holding a position of project management, so through out the day I do some 2-D/3-D drawings, some emails, meetings, design, and project reports. All of these tasks can be done pretty simply, so I guess to make it a little more challenging I some where along the line subconsciously decided to do it solely with my right hand.

I must have decided to do all this subconsciously because I just caught myself doing this today. I haven’t even realized I was doing this, and really have no idea how long I have been doing it. Now that I recognize what I have been doing I stopped myself, feeling that if I didn’t stop myself I may slip into a semi abnormal mental state where I unknowingly allow myself to do weird shit. (Plus I wanted to know that I was still able to change this odd habit.)

Now, what have I been doing with my other hand you may question? humm. To tell you the truth, I searched around the bottom of my desk, feeling the bottom of it. I just sate there feeling the natural, unstained wood, admiring its texture. I don’t know how long I did this before I found it. What is it? It is a round metal object. Holy shit, it is a pimp ass little magnet. I have no idea how it got there or who put it there. I know I didn’t. It is super strong and from that day for, I pretty much wheel this little magnet along all the metal brackets under my desk.

I’m a freak, I know, but hell, some of you guys shit in other departments bathrooms, who is the freak now weirdoes? lol

So I digress, and now face you with a question, what is something weird that you do at work?

i use my right hand alot too

i try to rub one out at least 7 times in a day


I like how the bathroom is a 1 person only…so i can lock the door. I only use my right hand after i sit on it at my desk and it falls asleep…

the fuck

pick my nose

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.

I don’t usually use my pointer fingers to type… just my middle, ring, and pinkie fingers

wait, josh. you type with only one hand?


ya tru u must have used two hands to type that

One entire hand, I use all five fingers… and my Wang.

i chew on toothpicks

Personally I just take too much Dayquil and forget the day ever happened.

did you mean to say work hobbits or habits?

because that would be totally cool if you had hobbits at your work!!

i blink a lot while im at work

I can type seriously fast with my left… (mouse/dick [yes its about the size of a feeder mouse] in the right)…

but i cannot type fast right handed…