Some fun autodesk at work

Hey its fri…I can’t wait for the weekend!! I need to learn photo-shop now…what u guys think ?


did you come to work drunk?

I give thread thread wtf/wtf/wtf/wtf out of wtf/wtf/wtf/wtf/wtf

5 if it included pickle surprise.


the bmp’s didn’t work I may or may not be drunk there was a bucket of beer outside the door this morning

Motion for Custom title: Spazzy McSpazz

negative offset?

“The internet, lowering the collective IQ of the world since 1969”.

haha yah I just got bored and drew up something quick

where do you work? I hope its not designing things.

awh balls the first day I started they didn’t give me anything to do so I made them but figured i’d post um now…but i do kind of design things i guess if building machines count…picture what newman does to a much lesser, 1/4 of the pay, bitch is to pimp type work thats me at the bottom. Some day i’ll be up top though :roll:

^ :tup: I thought you designed rims or something.

those rims wouldnt be strong enough

unless they were magma :headbang: